Chapter 26

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Kai wasn't kidding when he said that there was a lot to clean up in the studio.

"This was all Taya's mess. I tried cleaning this up, but even this is too much. And I have several commissions to complete too," Kai said as he showed Luca around the room that Wei made a mess out of.

The air in the studio hung heavy with the scent of ink and the chaotic aftermath of artistic frenzy. Luca's eyes widened at the sight of scattered papers, spilled ink bottles, and half-finished canvases. Kai, with a weary sigh, pointed to the epicenter of the creative disaster.

"How did this happen?" Luca asked with horror as he took in the entire room.

"Taya was let loose," Kai sighed as he handed cleaning supplies to Luca.

Luca took the cleaning supplies with a resigned smile. Even in the chaos, he could see glimpses of Wei's vibrant energy splashed across the room.

A half-finished portrait, bold and expressive, stared down from the wall, a defiant streak of blue echoing the ink splattered on the floor.

"He really went for it, didn't he?" Luca chuckled, dipping a rag into the cleaning solution.

"He did," Kai admitted, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It's like a hurricane of creativity just swept through here. And you know what? It's kinda... beautiful."

Luca paused, taking a moment to truly look. He saw not mess, but raw emotion, unfiltered passion. He saw Wei, laid bare on canvas and floor, his turmoil and brilliance swirling together in a chaotic dance.

"Yeah," Luca agreed, a spark of inspiration igniting in his eyes. "It is."

He started with the ink spills, the dark liquid surprisingly mesmerizing as it swirled across the floor. It became a ritual, each wipe a brushstroke erasing the remnants of Wei's storm, revealing the clean canvas beneath.

As he worked, Luca felt a tension loosening within him. The act of cleaning, of restoring order, became a metaphor for his own healing. He was wiping away the stains of pain, the debris of betrayal, making space for new beginnings.

The next couple of days turned Luca and Kai into unlikely comrades in the battle against the creative apocalypse.

They moved through the studio like a well-oiled machine, Kai the whirlwind of chaos, collecting scattered brushes and discarded palettes, and Luca the steady hand, cleaning and organizing with meticulous precision.

Beneath the surface of their task, a quiet understanding blossomed. Kai, usually the picture of mischievous glee, revealed a surprising vulnerability, confessing his own struggles with Wei's erratic behavior.

He spoke of sleepless nights, hushed arguments, and the ever-present fear of another explosive outburst.

As they cleaned and confided, the studio transformed. Ink stains faded, canvases found their rightful places, and sunlight streamed through newly washed windows, illuminating the room in a hopeful glow.

Whenever Luca wasn't cleaning, he found himself assisting Kai in a multitude of ways. He'd become Kai's shadow, his right-hand man, his creative partner in crime.

Kai started posting more art content on social media and having Luca beside him helped a great deal.

Kai was able to properly focus on creating artwork, while Luca controlled the social media aspect part. Luca helped Kai with reaching a larger audience than before as well as posting relatable content that not only showcased Kai as a person but also his artwork.

"Taya? I have a meeting to attend to. Is it possible to pick up a couple artworks from my place? I called Taya but he's not responding, and I need to deliver them but I forgot I have a meeting in a couple minutes and it's making me stressed out and-" Kai started spiraling as he got stressed over his work.

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