Chapter 24

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Luca felt unsettled the next few days into his vacation.

Lucy already started to live out with Gabe for a couple of days. She told her mom that she was busy doing a project and Gabe's place was near campus.

He had gone into a nearby hotel for a while, with the excuse that it's closer to a couple places he needed to attend to.

Even then, Luca found himself helping his mom at the shop. His days were filled with keeping track of orders, assisting with deliveries, and trying to maintain a semblance of normalcy amid the recent upheaval in his life.

As Luca navigated the daily tasks at the shop, the familiar faces of regular customers and the rhythmic sounds of the bell above the entrance offered a temporary respite from the turmoil within.

Who would dare to record Luca in the privacy of his own home?

Luca made sure to update Theo on everything that is going on - sans the cameras and stalker situation.

One evening, as Luca was sorting through a new shipment of products, his phone buzzed with messages from Theo. He hesitated before opening it.

Theo: Finally decided to grace me with your presence?

Theo: You haven't been responding lately.

Luca sighed but decided to keep the conversation straightforward.

Luca: Look, Theo, I'm dealing with some serious stuff right now. Lucy had to move out, and there's a lot happening at home.

Theo: But you promised to reply

Theo: I don't see you replying

Luca took a deep breath, feeling the weight of Theo's messages adding to the stress he was already under. He tried to maintain his composure and replied to Theo's barrage of messages.

Luca: I get it, Theo.

Luca: Things have been crazy.

Luca: I've been busy with family stuff

Luca: It's not about ignoring you.

Theo: Family stuff?

Theo: You just don't want to talk to me.

Theo: I give you all the attention in the day but you don't respond

Theo: Whatever.

Theo: Do what you want.

Theo: You always do.

Luca closed the conversation, he was already stressed and bitter as is.

As Luca set his phone aside, he couldn't shake off the frustration that lingered after the exchange with Theo.

The toxic energy in Theo's messages added another layer to the challenges he was already facing.

He took a moment to collect himself before returning to the tasks at the shop.

Days passed, and the situation at home remained tense. Lucy continued to stay with Gabe, and Luca was trying to make sense.

He worked alongside his mom, juggling responsibilities and trying to maintain some sense of normality.

One evening, as Luca was closing up the shop, he received a call from Lucy. The urgency in her voice immediately grabbed his attention.

"Luca, you need to come to Gabe's place. Now," Lucy said, her tone a mixture of anxiety and urgency.

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