Chapter 20

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It didn't take long before the day of the festival arrived.

The music festival, in all of its glory, was decorated with bright colors and promised unforgettable memories.

The air was charged with excitement as the bustling crowd eagerly gathered around the various stages that were scattered throughout the expansive venue.

Luca stood at the heart of it all, his heart swelling with pride and anticipation. He had poured his heart and soul into making this festival a success.

Alongside the rest of the team, he had worked tirelessly to ensure that every aspect of the event was meticulously planned and flawlessly executed.

The days leading up to the event had been a whirlwind of activity. Luca and his team had pulled countless all-nighters, fueled by an unwavering dedication to their craft. They had encountered numerous obstacles along the way, but their passion and determination had carried them through.

As Luca glanced around at the sea of smiling faces and vibrant costumes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over him.

He just arrived at the festival and he needed to go to the makeshift studio to get ready for the livestream.

Entering the studio, Luca found himself surrounded by the hum of cameras and the scent of hastily consumed energy drinks. The tech crew scurried about, making final adjustments to ensure the livestream would capture every electrifying moment.

A makeup artist quickly made forward her way toward Luca, armed with brushes and palettes. With swift strokes, she applied a touch of foundation and a hint of color to enhance Luca's features.

"Taya!" Greeted Theo as he walked into the studio. He looked like he had gone through the entire festival itself, as he was carrying a lot of goodies and treats.

"Theo! You need to redo your makeup!" Theo's makeup artist scolded as he forced Theo into a chair.

Luca chuckled at the playful banter between Theo and his makeup artist.

Once the two were done, a member of the production crew brought Luca over to a nicely decorated set. One decorated with the same aesthetic of the festival as well as heaters when the night will begin to set.

The colorful lights of the festival illuminated the makeshift studio, creating a vibrant backdrop for the upcoming livestream.

Another crew member had assisted Luca in attaching the mic properly before he sat down and looked through his ipad for the schedule.

Before the entire event could start, Luca had to conduct several interviews. He had scheduled it so that he would be able to enjoy the festival without worrying about the interviews and other factors.

The first interviewee happened to be VISION.

"Levani, it's nice to meet you," Luca greeted once Levani sat down for his interview.

The moment Luca said Levani's name, Levani looked scared as his eyes started darting side to side.

Luca, sensing Levani's unease, offered a reassuring smile. "No need to be nervous. We haven't started recording yet."

" did you know my name? It's not recorded whenever I go on as VISION," Levani asked, his voice soft and low to make sure others do not hear.

"I'm a friend of Wei's and some of your mutuals," Luca reassured and Levani seemed to relax a bit. "It's fine though. If you want me to refer to you by VISION as I will during the interview, I will do that. I just want you to be comfortable for this interview."

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