Chapter 9

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Luca was picking up a mess of books on the floor of the library.

The library was a large, spacious room with high ceilings and rows upon rows of bookshelves. The shelves were filled with books of all genres, from fiction to non-fiction to reference materials. In the center of the room was a large reading area with comfortable chairs and tables.

Luca was clad in black, with an oversized black shirt, black sweatpants, and black accessories completing his look.

A girl with bright pink hair and purple streaks braided in the front approached Luca. She was wearing a black tank top, a sweater a couple sizes too big, ripped jeans, and combat boots. She had a stack of books in her arms.

"Hey there, Dae, what's up?" she asked.

"Hello Ieon. Some people left it like this. It's my job," he looked up as he gathered the books in his arms.

"You're one of the new library assistants right?" She confirmed as she picked up a book that Luca missed and added it to his stack.

"Thank you. Yes. I am one of the new assistants. My name is Luca Chantasri," he introduced.

"Hello there Dae. My name is Leila Rafiq. What major are you?" she asked, curious.

"I'm doing journalism," Luca replied.

"That's cool," Leila said. "I'm a 5th year political science major myself."

"Really?" Luca was interested that Leila was doing her 5th year instead of graduating like normally.

"That's cool," Leila said. "I'm a fifth-year political science major myself."

Luca was intrigued. "Five years? Why so long?"

Leila shrugged. "I decided to change majors midway because I took a class related to political science and instantly liked it. But that's okay. I'm loving my studies, and I'm excited to graduate next year."

"That's awesome," Luca said. "I'm sure you'll do great things."

Leila smiled. "Thanks."

They stood there for a moment, awkwardly looking at each other. Luca felt a spark of attraction, but he wasn't sure if it was mutual.

"So," Luca said finally, "what brings you to the library today, Leila?"

"I'm working on a research paper for my political science class," Leila said. "I'm writing about the impact of social media on political activism."

"That sounds interesting," Luca said. "I'm a big fan of social media myself."

"Me too," Leila said. "I think it's a powerful tool for social change."

They continued to chat about their shared interests for a few minutes, and Luca found himself getting more and more drawn to Leila. She was intelligent, passionate, and had a great sense of humor.

"Luca, can you help me find a book on the history of the French Revolution?" a student asked.

"Well," Luca said finally, "I should get back to work. But it was really nice talking to you, I'Leila."

"It was nice talking to you too, Luca," Leila said. "Maybe we can chat again sometime."

"I'd like that," Luca said with a smile.

As Luca walked away, he couldn't stop thinking about Leila. He had a feeling that he had just met someone special.

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