Chapter 8

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Luca didn't know what to do. It was either he leave now, without telling anyone, using his saved up money, to go to City D, or stay face Wei and choose plan B.

Wei has breaking Luca's heart piece by piece each day.

Day by day, Wei's choices had been like a relentless hammer, cracking Luca's heart into smaller and smaller pieces.

The rebellious phase, the drinking, the tattoos, the drugs – none of it felt like the Wei he had known. All he knew, he wasn't the catalyst.

Luca sat alone in his room, the weight of his decision bearing down on him like an insurmountable burden.

His heart felt like a fragile glass sculpture, slowly chipped away by the actions of the one person he had once held so close.

In the stillness of his room, Luca faced a pivotal choice.

He had saved up enough money to leave, to vanish from their shared world, to escape the pain.

It would be so easy to pack his bags and disappear into the unknown, leaving behind the fragments of a shattered friendship.

But there was also plan B, the more daunting path.

The one that involved confronting Wei, addressing the issues that had driven a wedge between them, and attempting to rebuild what was once so precious.

Luca's heart ached as he grappled with the decision. He knew that either choice would carry its own set of challenges, but he couldn't avoid it any longer.

It was time to face the storm or embark on a journey into the unknown.

"Taya! You need to get ready soon! We have to leave for your ceremony!" Lucy called out through the door.

He was going to have to leave poor Lucy behind.

His adorable little sister.

Leaving would mean he's going to miss so many of Lucy's milestones.

Luca stood up and walked to the window. He stared out at the bustling city below, his thoughts racing. He knew that he couldn't delay any longer. He had to make a choice.

Luca took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

He imagined Lucy's smiling face, her infectious laughter echoing in his ears.

He thought about all the happy memories they had shared together.

This was going to hurt.

Luca opened his eyes and made a decision.

He is a coward.

He's going to leave.

He already has an acceptance letter from one of the best universities there.

He has a dorm ready and he's been slowly sending things to his dorm over the weeks.

"Luca!" Lucy started banging his door.

Luca got up and opened his door. "Lucy, tell Mom and Dad to get the car ready. I'm almost done," Luca gave his sister a sad smile.

"Oh, okay," Lucy started to bounce to her parents when Luca pulled her back and hugged her.

"This is weird. You stink. I thought you took a shower," she complained as she started to push him off.

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