10. Special Talents

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The next day , Mavis and her Friends had just finished breakfast and were walking to Special Talents class, taught by the dazzling Lady Lesso.

Mavis didn't know how to explain it, but she started to developed a crush on Lesso... compared to the other professors, Lesso was an amazing teacher; she was able to keep her class engaged with the lessons, she pushed her students to do better every day, and she let us duel each other every now and then if we finished the lesson early(usually we did because we were craving for a fight).

"Hello? Earth to Mavis? Weren't you listening to what I just said?" Hester asked .

Mavis was daydreaming about how sexy Lesso is...

"Huh? oh sorry yeah whatever..." Mavis quickly replied.

"Omg Mavis has a crush! Mavis has a crush ! Mavis has a-"   Hort began.

Mavis grabbed Hort by the neck and acted like she was gonna bite him with her fangs (she'd never do it , she only does it to scare Hort.)

"Shutting up now!" Hort desperately cried not wanting to become a Bloody Mary drink for Mavis!

" ok but seriously for real who is it?" Hort whispered to Mavis.

"Classified." Mavis responded. Keeping her crush a secret..

" if it's an ever I will feed you to my fire demon!"
Hester said

"If that ever happens, which it won't , please drive a Wooden stake through my heart. Because me dating an ever would be a whole new level of fucked up!" Mavis said, and her friends burst out laughing!!!

Mavis glanced over at Hester's dragon tattoo on her neck ... it kept glowing like it was begging to be released..

"Is your dragon ok Hester? It keeps glowing!" Mavis asked Hester .

"He's fine, he's figured out real quick that around this hour he gets to be let out to start some chaos !! Hester said.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to watch him go nuts in Lesso's class! She always lets us have fun!
So Hort, are you gonna wolf out in class if Lesso asks you to??? " Mavis asked Hort.

"I hope I can do it! So far all I get is a ton of chest hair, but that's as good as I get so far.." Hort responded.

"Don't worry! I'll give you a little boost if I see you struggling!" Mavis said

"Wait you're not gonna bite me are you?" Hort asked hesitantly.

" No stupid! I'm a vampire! We can do mind control! " Mavis responded.

"I've always wanted to be mind controlled!" Hort said cluelessly!

"Well, today might be your lucky day !" Mavis said.

Mavis and her friends reached the classroom and all found a spot near each other. Mavis sat next to Hort in case he needed a little boost... Dot sat in the center to pass out her chocolate in case the duel was getting really good!!!

When Mavis sat down she made eye contact with Lesso, and immediately got butterflies in her stomach. Lesso winked at Mavis , which Mavis immediately started blushing.

An: two chapters in one day! Wow! Anyways have a great day!!!

K byeeeee!

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