11. Special Talents pt. 2

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"Every villain has a special talent they can hone into a powerful weapon, to defeat their nemesis!" Lesso began, pointing her can at everyone as she spoke. Mavis was hypnotized by Lesso; her eye color turned ruby red. She didn't notice it. Dracula told her when he met her mother his eyes turned red, showing he was in love...

Hester glanced over at Mavis, at saw her red eyes, she nudged Dot.

"Look at her eyes! They're red! " Hester whispered.

"Do you think it's Rafal? " Dot whispered hesitantly.

"No! Rafal can't attack vampires. His powers don't affect them. And besides he's been dead and gone for years now!" Hester said.

"Girls!" Lesso threatened.

"Got it!" Hester and Dot said at the same time, as they knew what Lesso meant.

It was dead silent.

"What's a nemesis?" Hort asked stupidly.

Hearing Horts voice, Mavis snapped out of her day dream...

Mavis hissed at him. And Hort being the world's biggest idiot, gave her a what-the-fuck look

Dot and Hester both liked eyes as if they said  "point proven!"

"Your arch enemy! Your story will not end until one of you.... is destroyed..." Lesso continued. Mavis was staring daggers into Hort, and of course Hort was oblivious.

Lesso noticed this , in fact she had noticed everything that happened since Mavis was daydreaming about Lesso.

Lesso spun her cane in a circle, Mavis thought it was one of the sexiest things that Lesso did...

"Now I want you to dazzle me with whatever you believe your special talent to be, Hort ! You're first!"Lesso said
as she smacked her cane on his desk, and Mavis was indeed jealous, why was Lesso wasting her time with Hort. Uuuuugh!
Lesso knew exactly what she was doing . She was driving Mavis crazy.

"Well , I've been working on my werewolf powers in hex class..." Hort said trying to be a show off.

Mavis was getting annoyed . And was not having it.

Hort started moaning and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. He looked constipated... a single chest hair appeared on Hort's chest..
Mavis immediately saw this as an opportunity. She stared directly at Hort, hypnotizing him.

"Change into a werewolf you idiot sandwich!" Mavis thought to Hort...

Hort did indeed change into a werewolf , but because he had never been in werewolf form, he began acting like a puppy!!! A fly was buzzing around the room, and being a high prey drive animal, Hort started stalking it and chasing it!!

Hort did indeed change into a werewolf , but because he had never been in werewolf form, he began acting like a puppy!!! A fly was buzzing around the room, and being a high prey drive animal, Hort started stalking it and chasing it!!

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An: Lesso is like " alright that works I guess"

Mavis heard Hort's thoughts and boy was he dumb!!!

"Omfg a sky raisin!!!!" Hort thought as he chased the single fly.

Hort lept into the air ,caught and ate the fly... he was so proud of himself, his tail was wagging so proudly...

"Very impressive Mavis now change him back!" Lesso said knowing damn well it was Mavis... Hort couldn't  wolf out yet, he almost passed out by barely sprouting a single chest hair...

Mavis locked eyes with Hort and hypnotized him.

"Change back mangy mutt!!" Mavis thought to Hort. And Hort changed back into his human form..

Hort was really dizzy and he had a headache, since it wasn't really him that made himself wolf out...

"Fuck! What happened..." Hort said , the room around him spinning. Seeing double of everything including Lady Lesso...

"Lessy I didn't know you had two twin sisters? Damn there really fucking hot! Can I get their numbers???" Hort said in a very dizzy state.

The entire class burst out laughing at Hort's stupid comment to Lesso!!

The bell rang signaling class was over. The entire class froze and looked at Lesso .they wouldn't dare leave class without Lesso's permission...

"Class dismissed, Mavis stay!"

The students bolted out of the classroom and Mavis unfortunately and fortunately stayed behind at her desk...
Her heart started racing , as it was just her and Lesso in the classroom.

Once everyone left the classroom Lesso closed the door...

"Oh shit! Is Lesso gonna take me right here? Right now?" Mavis thought, and got super nervous.

" oh please! As much as you would LOVE for me to , that is strictly against policy. I am much older than you anyways.." Lesso stated.

" I'm a vampire, I'm literally 116 years old! That makes me older than you technically..." Mavis said.

Lesso rolled her eyes and shook her head knowing damn well Mavis was right..

"Anyways, back to the real reason why I wanted you to stay behind... I appreciate you giving Hort a boost, but next time let him figure it out on his own. He won't be a very good villain,  if someone is always helping him, all the time, will he?" Lesso said .

"true. But honestly, it was hilarious watching him chase that fly earlier!" Mavis said.

Lesso chuckled thinking about Hort earlier...

"Indeed it was. " now before you leave Is there anything you wanted to tell me? I noticed you day dreaming a lot during my class..." Lesso asked Mavis.

" oh-...uhm---. Yeah.... sure---" Mavis stuttered...

"Don't lie to me sweet fang!" Lesso said. Teasing Mavis, knowing a nickname would get Mavis all flustered...

"I have a major crush on you!" Mavis yelled and bolted out of the room before Lesso had a chance to reply

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"I have a major crush on you!" Mavis yelled and bolted out of the room before Lesso had a chance to reply...

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