20. Winter Break

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Mavis packed some of her clothes and her and Lesso kissed goodbye...

Mavis changed into a bat and began her short flight back to Transylvania...

Dracula was waiting at the front entrance for her!


"Baby fangs! How's my little poison oak?!"

"Never better! School is tons of fun! "

"Well I haven't received any letters from your teachers so I'm guessing you've been on your almost best behavior?!"

"Almost best behavior!" Mavis said

"I'm glad to hear it! Let's get you settled in and then you can tell me all about it during dinner!!! " Dracula said...

After Mavis and her dad got unpacked , Dracula had just finished getting dinner set.


"Dad! I have wonderful news! I have a girlfriend! She's sooo awesome!!!"

"Really that's great! Is she a vampire?werewolf?"

" neither, but she's kinda scary, and I'm sure one of her relatives is a vampire or something!! Her office looks really similar to our castle!"

"Interesting! So do you have any classes with her?" Dracula asked.

"Technically yes!!! And I forgot to mention she's the Dean of Evil..." Mavis said hesitantly.

Dracula almost choked on his Bloody Mary drink(made with actual blood lol).

"You're dating your Dean! She's so much older than you!" Dracula said

"Actually if you think about it, I'm waaaaaay older than her in vampire years.." Mavis stated.

Dracula was going to respond but then he thought for a second.

"True, yes! Very true! But is that even allowed? Students and dean relationships?"

"Evers and Nevers are not allowed to date each other... they said nothing about deans dating their students. Plus we are evil so it makes sense..."

"My Mavis! Always finding a loophole to her problems!"

Mavis and Dracula spend the next few days catching up on stuff that's happened, and Mavis told Dracula all about her adventures.

At bedtime Mavis was talking with her dad about Lesso...

"Daddy? What if Lesso wanted me to change her to a vampire , so she could be like one of us?"

"Good question. Don't force her to change if she doesn't want to, but I want you to really really think it through with Lesso . Would she like being a vampire? What would her family think, could she adapt? Where would she live? What if you change her and she regrets it later in life? How would you feel about that?"

" true... wait isn't that what you did to mom? You changed her to a vampire and it saved her life?"

"Yes ! But just because it worked for us doesn't mean It may or may not work for you and Lesso...I'm not saying you should or should not change her, I'm just saying it's a big life change for both of you!!! Get some rest my little scorpion! Goodnight!" Dracula said as he shut the door on his way out

Mavis thought long and hard about changing Lesso? What if she changes Lesso and Lesso hates her for it? What if Lesso is changed and she ditched Mavis forever. So many questions and 'what if ' situations flooded her mind... over the next few days, Mavis thought about bringing it up with Lesso very very very slowly. One wrong question and it's game over for their relationship.

The next few days Mavis kept thinking about changing Lesso, all with Lesso's consent of course. As Mavis got her bags re packed, her dad kissed her goodbye, and mavis flew off to the school for evil again. What if Lesso breaks up with Mavis when she comes back? What if Lesso decided to date someone else while Mavis was away.

"Ok I gotta calm myself down, I'm stressing way too much much about everything..." Mavis said as she approached the school.

Mavis saw Lesso sitting In her office reading the newspaper... Mavis flew up to Lesso and snuggled into her shoulder. She transformed into a human, and wrapped herself around Lesso giving her the biggest hug...

"I missed you so much! "

"I missed my little nightshade ! What's on your mind? You seem deep in thought babe? " Lesso asked.

How the heck did Lesso know? Like Mavis had only been back for less than five minutes and Lesso knows.

"Your thoughts are extremely loud, I could hear them as you were flying back here!" Lesso said

Mavis's face instantly went pale knowing that Lesso heard every single thing Mavis was thinking about.

"It's ok babe I still love you!you can tell me!"
Lesso said comfortingly.

A/n: hey readers!!! Did u see Soman Chainani had a new book coming out called THE COVEN!!! It's coming out April ish of next year!!! IM SO FREAKIN EXCITED I CANT WAIT!!!

K byeeeee!

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