Chapter XVIII

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Universe: 124293891

"Munin!" Exodus said, sounding highly concerned. "You did what!?" Eclipse simply laughed, shaking his head.

"I blew up half of the regional air force with high explosive incendiary shells. Why?" Munin asked, the corner of his mouth curling up in a thin smirk. "Also, I think we've stumbled upon an infinite ammo glitch." He said, making Eclipse nearly choke on his water.

"A what?" Exodus asked, completely disbelieving. "Munin, are you feeling alright?" Munin sighed.

"Observe." He said, pulling out the sleek black assault rifle from earlier and removing the magazine. He set the gun on the table in the center of the room, removed the last bullet from the mag, and tossed it to the side. After a moment, another bullet reappears where the first bullet was. Then another, and another, until the magazine was at full capacity. Munin looked around at the two others, who were both (understandably) shocked.

"From the extensive research efforts of both Raven and I, over the vast timescale of the past half-hour," Munin said sarcastically, but with a hint of seriousness. "It seems that this effect only takes action once the magazine is empty. It is shown to work for all calibers, but has a noticeable time delay, so you can kiss your dreams of laying down endless suppressing fire goodbye." Munin said, turning his back on his comrades and inserting the clip into the rifle. "I would also highly suggest that when using our light machine gun, to give the gun a break so the damn thing doesn't overheat. If it doesn't, prolonged use will still very much dislocate your shoulder entirely if you hold it wrong. Trust me. I would know." Munin said that last part with an uncharacteristic amount of bitterness.

"So... We win," Exodus said, his mind jumping to the conclusion that Munin and Eclipse had both concluded as well. Munin nodded, his thin smile turning into a grin, which isn't exactly the best reaction in the current circumstances.

"Yes. Basically." Munin said, nodding. "It also applies to my aircraft." The other two looked at each other, both thinking of what that meant. They both clearly wanted to ask the same question, but Exodus was scared of what Munin might do if he hadn't thought of it already. Eclipse, of course, wasn't.

"So we have an infinite number of nukes?" He asked, a small sadistic smile appearing on his face. Munin paused, frowning, before nodding, smiling again just as sadistically.

"Hold on, hold on." Exodus said, intervening in the conversation. "Should we... establish some ROE (rules of engagement, for the uninitiated) before we start discussing how to use the nukes?" Munin sighed, and nodded reluctantly.

"Unfortunately, yes. High Command will have all of our paychecks halved if they find out we reduced the world to nuclear ash." Munin said. "I'm sure everyone back home will have a healthy aversion to nukes after what I did in Iridia." The two looked at him, confused. They both knew what he meant, of course.

"...You nuked Iridia, didn't you?" Asked Exodus, only to be met with a sigh and nod of confirmation from Munin. "You... psychopath..." Munin sighed.

"Seriously. You people need to stop using the word 'psychopath' incorrectly like that." Munin muttered, shaking his head. Exodus gave Munin an exasperated look, as Eclipse looked on, indifferent.

"Munin... You nuked a city, probably killed a million people-"

"Two million, according to projections."

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