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"Najma"Mom shouted at me in horror when she saw me fall i giggle looking at Mom with wide teeth,while she looked at me in disappointment.
"Why will you do that Najma you scared me"Mom said with worry lace on her tongue,carrying me I giggle more and hugged her.

"Sowwy Momma"I said.

"Okay,enough with this playing let go and clean ourselves before Daddy return's"Momma said while I nodded eagerly.

I can't wait to see Daddy today,he get a surprise for Momma ,Daddy said is their anniversary which I don't know what it meant.

"Why the blush?"Momma asked which make me freeze.

"I am not"I said cupping my cheeks nodding,while Momma glared at me .


My dream was rudely interrupted when I felt cold water on me.
I freeze and jolted awake by an angry annoying voice which belongs to no one but  Maryam.
"You idiot wake up"Maryam yelled at me,I sat in alarm and looked around but as always it just a dream or was it my past?.

"I don't have all day,you stupid bitch"She order and i stood shivering from the cold,the least she could do is to allow me change right?,but no,she did rather left me freeze to death.

"Go and wash my cloth"She yelled again,as if i told her i am deaf,I nodded and walk out.

By the way my name is Rabiatu (Najma) Aliyu Yusuf,the only child of my deceased parent,I have no one but my wicked aunt and her family,I turn 17 last month,and ever since my parents die my life have been a nightmare,not going to school,chores,curse,beat and chores always.

"Najma"Surraiya the only decent,humble,good and amazing daughter in the family called,she is second daughter to my lovely Aunt.

"Surraiya"I called smiling but couldn't help the chattering teeth rubbing my palms together.
Surraiya looked at me in sympathy before hugging me.

"Who did that?"She asks

"Her humble highness," I said releasing her fighter back my tears.
"I should go before she burns in anger," I said rolling my eyes while she looked at me tearfully.

"Najma, run away this house is a nightmare"  She Mumbled for the  hundred times now,Surraiya never fail to tell me that,sometime she even said she will follow me but nope I won't,I will continue to be patient like she taught me.

"Where will i go Surraiya?, outside might be more dangerous than here at least Aunty give me food sometimes" I mumbled cringing I forgot the last time I stepped out of the house, I was always locked up  and now I am scared of stepping out,even though Surraiya kept on telling me nothing change,the world is still the same.

"But you are always in pain" She complains.

"I am fine, I promise"I lied smiling and limped away.


I wiped my tears when she limped away, she is in serious pain physically and mentally yet she has been okay, she has been enduring this for the past 10 years now.

I hate how my parent treats her like a slave, She is our damn cousin's sister, Mom's younger sister's daughter.

"What happened, why are you crying dear"Mom's loving voice cut my thoughts, I sniffed and wiped my tears.

"Nothing" I mumbled, I won't risk telling her i pity Najma cause i know what the outcome will be,the last time i did,Mom hit her and told her she's brainwashing me,she even told her not to see us together which made Najma to avoid me for a months.

"Okay, here take this to Najma," Mom said handing me her pile of cloth.

"Okay," I murmured and Mom turned around to leave when I called her "Can.....can I help her?"I whispered.


"Please Mom, I want to learn it i will just sit and watch her" I lied looking at her with my best puppy eyes and Mom frustratingly agreed and walked away.

"Urg!!, I wonder why you petty that bitch"Maryam's annoying voice startle me.

"None of your business"I spat and walked away singing but quit when I heard her sweet recitation, thanks to me teaching her, I cleared my throat which made her turn sharply.

"You make a mistake there "I pointed out keeping the pile of clothes.

"Were?"She asked straightening up.

"Is WajaAAalna feeha jannatin min nakheelin waaAAnabin wafajjarna feeha mina alAAuyooni'  " I said

"Wafajjarna,not Wafajjarna"
I added

"Owk Wafajjarna " She correct

"Yap, I ask Mom permission to help you".


"Yap, so what can I help with?"

"By stealing some apple or bread for me please"She whispered which made me laugh.

"Stealing is haram but I will go bring it now, though don't start without me princess"I warned.

"Of course your grace" She bowed which made me smile and ran to the kitchen to grab some bread and apple before returning, we washed reciting and I corrected her there and there and when we were done I looked at her.

"A day will come In Sha Allah when you will meet you Prince charming, he will come riding in......"

"Surraiya" She blushed covering her cheeks.

"Ok, okay,"  I said raising my hand in surrender.

"Talking about Prince Charming, what about yours?"She asked ironing Dad's clothes,    I smiled at the mention of his name Sulei.

"Here you are smiling and daydreaming about him"She teases.

"Oh!, Shut up you don't know what it felt to have a boyfriend"She sings.

"Wasting of time" She mumbled rolling her eyes.

"I swear it is not wasting of time"I defended while she nodded and continued working.


Assalamu alaikum love,how have you been?, as always please do point out my grammer,tenses error or even spelling error.

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