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I glared at Sa'idu and pouted "Get away from me you gross"I said scrunching my face in disgust.

"Um-Um Sa'idu be careful"Faisal warned trying hard not to laugh, Sa'idu raise his hand in surrender glancing at the stairs.

"I am sorry"He plea,I glared at him and stomp toward the stairs mumbling how gross he is,I jump in fright when someone grabbed my hand.

"Ya Allah Nana you scared me"I said with hand against my chest.

"Sorry"She said giving me a cheeky smile.
"What with the sour face?"She asked which make me cringe.

"Please don't remind me,Sa'idu can be a lil bit childish some times"I said which make her chuckled.

"Don't mind him,Nudrah will take care of him"Nana said glaring at  Sa'idu.

Nudrah is Sa'idu's wife and her real name is Maimuna,Nana have two kids with her late husband Sageer and Najeeb.

"What with the face Dad?"Mom asked saunting down the stairs.

"It Sa'idu"I reported,he farted on my face.

"Ya Rabbi Faruq you are old enough to be reporting such stuff"Sa'idu complained which end him a glare from Nana.

"Easy dear sis"Sa'idu said and dugde by going to Mom place to chat.

"So how far Faruq"Faisal stated,I raised my brow at him.
"You know about what Dad discuss with us"He added while I still looked at him in confusion.

"What the hell Man"Faisal grumble rubbing his face.

"Nana sure your Brother/Son is alright?"Sa'idu asked.

"I wonder or we should call a schoolar "Mom said.

"I am fine Mom,I just forget"I defended.

"Yes Mom,my Faruq is fine"Nana defend me.

"About marriage stuff?"Faisal said which made me groan in annoyance.

"Ain't we too young for this Mom?, Beside we are just 24 years"I complained.

"Mom I won't wait for him"Faisal shamelessly said with a pout,while I rolled my eyes he won't just force me into marriage,beside i am still waiting for my angel.

"Momma,Momma"Najib run in crying calling Nana and Sageer follow suit. Both are Nana's son,Sageer is 7 years while Najib is 4 years old.

"What happen?"Nana asked

"It Sagee"crying Najeeb reported pointing at his brother,Nana glare at Sageer in disappointment.

"Momma he was playing with water and I told him to stop,then he started crying "Sageer explain quickly.

"Najeeb stop playing with water will you?"Nana asked
"What if you catch cold?"She asked again.

"Then I guess Uncle Faruq will inject him"Sa'idu said.

"Soyye Momma"Najeeb apologize with a pout.

"Aunt Nudrah"Sageer called out running toward the stairs which make us all turn to look at her.

"Sa'idu she is yours no need to shamelessly drool "I heard Faisal whispered to Sa'idu,I giggled when Sa'idu looked down in embarrassment not before glaring at Faisal.

"Nana go get Nudrah her breakfast please"Mom said.

"I am full Mom"Nudrah said sitting closer to Sa'idu which make me slightly jealous and long for my angel,where is she?.

"No Maimuna you have to eat for the baby sake"Mom said.


"This is not fair Mom everyone heard how angry my stomach is for not feeding him for the past one day,or was it half a day Faruq?."He question and before I can tell him to shut up he continued.

"And she just sauntered,plus she is not that hungry are you Maimuna?"He asked sweetly.

"Faisal"Mom warned.

"Sorry Mom,I forgot how much you love her,I will go to Aunty instead" Faisal said

"Yes Uncle she wuv us much"Najeeb agrees while I rolled my eyes at his childishness and tend to my game.


"Here" Surraiya said handing me some apple and banana,I smile happily and accept it, devouring it like someone might come and snatch it out of my hand.

"When is the day?"I questing while she looked at me with confusion.

"What day?"

"The wedding day,your wedding day?"I question feeling pain in my heart,not because I don't want her to but because I will be all alone ,she the only one that care for me,the only one that love and teaches me alot of things .

"December,the date is not fix yet"She explained,while I nodded that means I have only three month with her.

"Don't worry sis,Allah is with those that are patient,In Sha Allah someday you will look at your past and wonder if you went through all this trail"She says while I just nod.

"And beside you won't just live here for ever,who knows whether the groom friend might fall in love with you an ... .."

"Well that sound like a very bad prayer"I cut her off while she rolled her eyes.

"That isn't a bad prayer you dumbo,are you sure you are alright or?"She question

"I am fine Surraiya,I just don't need anything and anyone"I mumble the last part.

"Sure,sure everyone want to marry someday and have their on kid"She pointed out while I rolled my eyes and hugged my leg not talking,When Surraiya sees I am done talking she huffed and patted my shoulder.

"Good night"She mumbled and walked out living me alone in my room,I stood up and lock the door and laid down, gone are the days that I will cry to sleep,now I just felt numb, empty and alone and before i know I slept off.


"Najma,we are home"I heard Dad voice which make me run toward him happily and hug him tight,while he scrunch down and held me.

"I mich you Dad"I mumbled against his neck.

"I mich you too cupcake"Dad said cupping my cheeks.

"What about me baby,do you miss moment?"Mom asked looking down at me smiling

"Mom is jeyous Dad"I whispered which make Dad chuckled.

"Course she is now tell her the M word"Dad said,I release him and hug her too.

"I mich you too Mommy" I mumbled.

"Miss you too sweet heart "Mom said kissing my forehead

"Welcome Ma,Sir"My caretaker said

"Thank you Maijidda,hope she did not give you any trouble?"Mom question.

"Najma is a good girl Ma,she did not"Maijidda said which make me smile widely at Dad.

"Course she is my sweet Mommy"Dad said picking up and twirlme around.

"Oi!!Najma wake up"I heard Surraiya desperate voice shaking me awake,a yawn escape my mouth and stretch waking up.

"Girl you are in so much trouble"Surraiya said which make me sit in alarm.

"What,why?,What is the time?"I asked frantically.

"Pass 6:0clock,did you pray Sub'i?"She asked looking at my frantic self.

"Yes and decided to have a nap"I mumbled mentally cursing my self.

"Stupid choice"She point out,I agreed with her and run out to start making breakfast .

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