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I am super elated today cause I will be free from this house torture,I smile till my mouth hurt and Surraiya couldn't stop teasing me.

"Oh!. Please shut up you are disturbing me"Maryam said angrily while Surraiya just scoff.

"Close your ears if you can't handle the noise" Surraiya said.

"SURRAIYA"Maryam called.

"My name"Surraiya reply glaring at her,while I shiver in fright.
"Come on girl what were you saying"Surraiya added now looking at me with adorable smile,I dare not look at Maryam.

"I....I think we should just drop it"I mumbled.

"Ya Rabbi. Fine" Surraiya complain with a groan.

  I close my eyes leaning my head against the car glass,why do I  feel like my heart will explode any moment from now,is it because her royal Highness Maryam is giving me the hatred or is it because it my birth place,where I last saw Mommy and Daddy?.

I still remember the day we had an accident is a miracle I survived thanks to my parents for shoving out true the window when the car cut fire,Mom and Dad tried their best and shove me out,the scream..........

"Oy!,Najma ,You good?"Surraiya asked,I looked at her and nodded.

"Yes. I am just restless and unease,"I groan and nodded.

"Nothing will happen girl,may be.....may be is because you remember your....your......Just keep on praying atleast you will get ride of their maltreatment or.....may be someone is about to meet someone special"She said with a wink which make me groaned.

"You are the one to talk bride"I said shoving her shoulder

"Well I am angry with your brother in law "She replied with a pout which make me .

"Why?"I question

"Could you imagine he did not call today?"She asked which make me rolled my eyes.

"I mean I thought he told you " IF I WASN'T ABLE TO XALL BAVY JUST KNOW THAT I SM IN A MEETING" I said mimicking her word.

"Damn girl,I don't know you are so good in imitating people voice,you are talented"Surraiya said a bit dramatic.

"Come on baby sis,give him some time please"I said.

"Ugh! You do realise I am like a year older than you right?"She said narrowing her eyes at me while I rolled my eyes

"Uh! Are you?I asked.

"He always ask me how you are?"She said changing the topic.


"Baby"She replied with a groaned.

"Don't know he knows me"I said while she replied me with a wide smile.

"Am I worthy to be known?"I asked, her smile fell in an instant.

"Offcourse baby sis,you are worthy "She said while I felt bad for making her smile fall.

"Ain't you afraid for him to fall for me?"I asked and her smile return which make me smile too.

"Oh!Shut up"She said with a pout

"Uh!!Will guys shut your fudging mouth shut,you bastard"Maryam Shouted, Surraiya close her mouth to avoid laughing while i cowered giggling.


I feel uneasy this days which I don't know why,is as if  something will happen and that something will change my life.

"Dude"Faisal called startle me.

What's up?"I asked frustedly rubbing my face in exhaustion.

"You good?"He asked sounding worry.

"Yeah. Check my temperature is normal"I replied sarcastic while he rolled his eyes.

"We need to talk"He said sounding serious and siting next to me.

"Shouldn't you be in your room?" I asked while he chose to ignore.

"Bro,I am in need no I am desperate to marry Batul please,don't let some one swap her away from me please do tell Dad that I can marry"He pleaded

"Don't remember closing my nose when you start talking or closing my ears so that I won't listen to your annoying voice"I said rolling my eyes while he looked at me before shaking his head.

"Okay drop it,option B....."He started.

"Options?"I asked

"Yap,I know how stupid you are so since you won't complide with the A let me tell you the B part,so Batul introduces me to this girl name Rabiatu and she is sweet and innocent I think you should meet her"He spotted while I looked at him

"Rabiatu seriously?"I asked

"Yap. And trust me the girl is so beautiful Masha Allah "He said kissing his fingers while I looked gross.

"Faisal what part of my heart is only for one girl did you not understand?"I asked in annoyance
"Now listen to me carefully Faisal,I will and I repeated I will not marry any girl but angel,do I make my self clear?"I asked

"Then God damnit go tell Dad you are after a ghost or unknown"He yelled frustedly.

"Get out"I bestow felling my anger rising.

"Gladly I mean what will I wait for but remember this,keep on praying that the ghost is not yet marry or dead"He said glaring at me and stormed out.

That kind of hurt,but what if Faisal is right? What if she is married? The thought of someone marrying her made me feel uneasy. But is she married? Is she dead? Is she alive? Will we ever meet? Where is she now?.
These are the thought that consume me, and it make me sick in my stomach. I ran to the restroom and vomited. I couldn't breath. The world is closing in on me. I couldn't see nor  did I have the strength to shout. The next thing I heard before I black out was some voices and then a blur figure,I couldn't pinpoint who was and with that I embrace the darkness.

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