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"Raise your hand Najeeb"I order while he rose it whimpering.

"Owie owie Unkie itch painie"Najeeb cried out with wobbles lips

"Sorry young hero,plus ain't you a bat Man?"I asked, and he shook his head negatively

"I Sewerman"He said while I chuckled

"Offcourse you are"I said grinning
"Now up,one more time"I added helping him and cringe when he make a sound,I move closer to examine his swollen rib before stepping back.

"Shshsh!! Kiddo. Alhamdulillah you did not hit it badly"I said picking him up and sitting down on my Chair.

"I fell down Unkie"He said with a sad face leaning on my chest which reminded me of Angel.

"We will just apply an ointment and I promise is not painful"I lied while he pfft with a pout.

"Stop lying Unkie"He said which make me chuckle.

"Okay Najeeb it will but small"I mumbled applying the ointment ignoring his whimpered and look up when the door is push and Faisal walked in.

"Our Najeeb is strong"Faisal said showing his muscle while I rolled my eyes,fixing Najeeb shirt.

"Unkie"Najeeb said cheerfully

"Please Faisal if you know,you will bring the kids to the hospital atleast take care of them.Plus what are you doing in the children ward?"I question while he sat down.

"Just to pay a visit. Why?"He asked shoving the candy I had kept for the patient's kid into his mouth.

I narrow my eyes looking at him while he stood up and walked toward me and sat on the desk looking at me with a smile.

"Spit it out Faisal"I said with impatient.
He smile widely while Najeeb step down from my lap and look at Faisal urging him to carry him.
Faisal pick him up and place a lingering kiss on his forehead suddenly the door is burst open and Nana came in.

"Did he gives you?"She question while I look at her with confusion
"I will take that as No"Nana grumble looking at Faisal before her eyes widen seeing Najeeb.

"It with Sa'idu plus Najeeb wouldn't let me out of his side this morning ,I have to bring him"Faisal said quickly.

"Can someone tell me what going on please"I asked frustedly

"Patient Faruq. Patient . Kiddo can you go and call on Uncle Sa'idu please"Faisal said keeping down.

"Yeah Unkie"Najeeb said and ran out.

"Stop running Najeeb"Both Nana and I said in sync while Faisal just rolled his eyes

"Yeah. Yeah I know your job is keep the children safe and neither do I want my other half to have cardiac arrest I mean we promise to grow old together"He said sarcastically while I glared at him

"Be ready Dr Abdullahi"Nana said with a wide smile while I stared at them with confusion.
Nana never call me with my surname unless is something important and by how happy they are it making scared and eager too.

"Don't you guys have patience today?"I asked them while Faisal just shrugged and continue tapping his phone with a huge smile on his face.

"Nana please talk to me"I plea

"Calm down Doc. Will you,just a few more second"Nana said smiling too

"This all smiling faces of yours is driving me crazy"I complain while Faisal gaps.

"Okay then sorry that we been happy is irritating you"Faisal said with an angry expression and he sat like that like an angry bird.

"You are idiot"I said chuckling and just then the door is open

"Sorry for coming late"Sa'idu said ignoring Nana glare before slaming a piece of paper on my desk.

"What is their?"I asked with a pout picking up the paper and see it a house address.

"It address"I pointed out while Faisal grumble WE KNOW .

"So what am I doing with it?"I asked looking at Nana this time.

"Ya Rabbi he is so dumb,Nana are you sure we are related?"Faisal asked while I rolled my eyes Sa'idu glared at him before smacking his nape.

"Ain't you both,plus how will he knows whose address it their"Sa'idu pointed out.

"And that is truth" Faisal said with a nod

"It her address"Nana cut in, and I felt my heart stop beating before ecstasy enveloped me. I covered my mouth, tears of joy in my eyes as I looked at Nana and the piece of paper.

"Ya Rabbi, Alhamdulillah"I mumbled before going on all four,face the qibla and prostrate thanking Allah.

"Oh! And now I am jealous of her"Faisal said faking a cries

"Oh! Shut up"Nana scowl

"Come here"Sa'idu beckoned ,and I did not waste a second to hug him. I hugged him so tightly, sobbing, and the rest joined in, hugging me too.

"I love you so much guys. Thank you so much "I cried

"We love you too"Faisal said


"Angel"I called running after Angel

"Ketch me if you can Faluq"Was her replied giggling while I played to be tired pleading for her to stop running.

"Roar!!" Faisal said while she squeal giggling

"Catch her"I said and pick her up while she wiggle pouting.

"Faishal elp youuuu"She complain folding her arms

"Yap,that because he pay me for that and you refuse to give me your candy"Faisal said childishly.

"Oh! Come"Angel beckon Faisal with her hand while he lean forward to hear her.
Angel place her mouth in his ears whispering Allah knows what to him, Faisal just smirk .

"It a deal Angel""Faisal said while I looked at them with a narrow eyes

"What are you two gossiping about?"I asked

"Pwomise Faishal, secwet"She said in her cute voice.

"I Pwomise"Faisal said while I rolled my eyes .......

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