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When we reached the hotel we had booked, Faisal suggested that we call home and inform them about what was happening, and that Nana, Sa'idu, and Granny Mama should come tomorrow.

"Alhamdulillah"Faisal said with a happy smile on his face.
"Bet someone will sleep happily today"He added smirking.

"Nah! Have to wait till tomorrow,when I marry her"I said smiling happily but the happiness soon vanished and I looked at Faisal who groan.

"Is seems like she is abuse did you look at her?"He asked

"Their is one of them stupid finger print on her face"I said clenching my jaw in annoyance.

"And she is more slimmer and darker now,she is malnourished Man"He added while I groaned

"Well Alhamdulillah you are taking her away from them tomorrow and we will be able to take good care of her"Faisal said and that make me smile a little.

"Can't wait to hug her man,can't wait to kiss her urgh!!!".

"Shut up you are making me jealous"Faisal said while I chuckled.

"Poor Faishal not able to hug our little angel"I teases while he slap my chest.

"Shut up"I burst out laughing while he glare at me and turn around.

"Night dumbo" He said

"Night sweetie pie"I teases and he groan again,I chuckled and turn of the light .

"Night buddy"I said after minutes of silent and I am met with a light snoring.


"Kiss me Faluq,please kiss me .I want to feel your lips on mine please"I saw Najma said despirately ,I touch her face to confirm if this is a dream but when I felt her skin against mine I close my eyes.

"Angel"I called while she looked at me with adoration which make me hold her shoulder firmly and slowly pulled her forward,Najma instantly close her eyes and move closer to me waiting for my lips to get attached to hers.

I glanced down at her reddish brown kissable lips,it all moist and waiting for me but why was I taking so much time ,I close my eyes and lean in but Faisal annoying cries and scream,I jerk my eyes open and the scene in front of me make me stand up in shock.

"What are doing?"I asked Faisal with wide eyes while he wide his eyes too.

I was holding Faisal shoulder not Najma, Alhamdulillah I did not kiss him,I rubbed my mouth and glare at Faisal and when I was about to sit he shudder and move away saying.

"Please leave me for my future wife seek,I did not know you have feelings for me plus this is haram"

Shit!!! I was holding Faisal not Najma,what was I thinking ? Urgh!!
Alhamdulillah nothing happen, Alhamdulillah.

I can't live with the image of me kissing my on brother not to mention a boy.I groaned and wipe my face,I looked at Faisal with annoyance when he like me on my back.

"Shut up Man. I didn't do that intentionally,I was unconscious don't go and put some stupid ideas in that stupid brainless head of yours"I said

"She was so close damn it and you have to ruined it"I complain groaning and when I did not hear a sound from Faisal I turn around and saw him looking at me with open mouth and blinking his eyes.

"Ugh!! You are so annoying"I added

"Wait. You were dreaming bout her and that her happens to be Najma?"He asked while I ignored him and laid back

"Dude. Atleast marry her first before putting does dirty thought in your brain"He said

"Shut up"I said covering my ears with pillow while he burst laughing mumbling
"You are so a pervert"

"Shush!! I want to sleep"I mumbled

"No, stand up and pray and also seek your forgiveness for bringing such thing in your mind"He said

"For the love of Allah Faisal,it wasn't intentional,I was dreaming and In that dream it wasn't you"I explained angrily,while he kept smiling looking at me.


Yesterday was the longest night. I struggled to sleep, tossing and turning, and fidgeting. Eventually, I got up early, cooked breakfast, and completed the household chores before  retreating to my room,not after her royal highness A.K.A Maryam beat me up cause I walk into her room while she was sleeping.

I sat on my mat applying ointment on my bruised elbow and cheeks,waiting for the twins but when they did I was suprise to see Granny Mama with them.

"Granny"I called happily and hugged her
"I miss you so much"I said fighting back my tears,Granny cup my face and scan my face with a furrow brow.

"What happen to you?" she asked and I quickly let go.

"I....I.....I fell down"I lied glancing at Aunty and Uncle.

"Okay let do why bring us sharp"She said and sit down.

"So did you remember your Faluq?"She asked and I looked at the twins who looked worry and angry.

"No"I mumbled

"Faruq is here for you Najma,he wants to marry you"Granny started while I looked at the twins again.

"But I will not or no one will force you to agree if you don't want,it your choice "Granny added

"Najma are you listening?"The beautiful woman that tag alone with Granny asked.

"Yes"Was my only reply.

"Do you accept his proposal?"Granny asked. I looked at Aunty and Uncle who glare at me daring me to accept,I looked at the twins and my eyes cut one of them,he looked anxious and close his eyes mumbling Allah knows what.

One part of me is reminding me of Aunt and Uncle's threat, while the other part reminds me of Surraiya's words. I am confused about what to do. Should I accept their offer? Will he marry me now, or will it be like Surraiya's situation? I can't spend a day here if I accept and not to forget about Faruq looks.


Hi do vote and correct my grammer, tenses and spelling errors.

Arigatou for reading my book😊

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