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What In Jesus name is happening

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What In Jesus name is happening. All I was trying to do was check in on my patient.

My eyes water as insults are being thrown at me.

"You telling this fuck Nigga dressed in pink our business now." Ahmad screams.

I stand there awkwardly and really upset cause I didn't even mean to intrude on any of there business.

"Stop insulting him!" Angel slightly shouts as much as she can without putting to much stress on her stomach.

"I'm just going to leave." I whisper as they go back and forth. I speed walk out the room.

I hate conflict, screaming, chaos all of that, it's all I grew up around my mom and dad constantly arguing about their relationship about me and Pallas and overall in general yelling at us and not in an 'okay you did something wrong' way but literally for no reason.

As I take a deep breath outside the room the door is pushed open loudly and a heavy breathing Ahmad walks around the corner mugging me in the process.

I flinch back and his eyes soften for just a moment before returning back to their intensity.

I draw my eyes towards the floor until he's out of view.

A sad Angel rubs her stomach stressed as she thinks about what just happened

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A sad Angel rubs her stomach stressed as she thinks about what just happened.

He had no right acting like that and she does admit that she shouldn't have provoked him with what was said knowing full on how he feels about himself. They were wrong and Pollux definitely didn't deserve to be put in the middle of it all, he was just trying to do his job.

Angel presses the call button as she lays back hoping it's Pollux who responds to the pager and not another nurse. Angel practices her breathing techniques Pollux taught her to control her headaches and body pains as she waits. Angel feels  like Pollux is her doula, doctor, nurse, and friend all in one.

She couldn't be more happy that he's going to walk with her through this journey, she wouldn't want anyone else.

Angel sits up a bit as Lionette  walks in, where's Pollux?

"Pollux left for the day, all he said was he wasn't having a very good day and work made it worse so he took off." Lionette said unknowingly answering Angel thoughts.

"Okay." She mumbled sadly.

'I'm sorry Pollux' Angel thinks to herself.

"Did you need anything, you pressed the button." Lionette asked checking her vitals and prepping her for the chemo session that's coming up in an hour.

"No I'm fine now, I'm just going to rest now." Angel said rubbing her stomach babygirl is active today. 'Probably because of her fuck ass daddy' Angel thought.

Angel pulls out her phone and turns the brightness all the way down as she opens iMessage to text a quick sorry to Pollux and to tell Ahmad that he needs to apologize and  how she is sorry that the argument escalated.

She continues to rub her stomach.

"Babygirl daddy loves you and momma does to." She sang.

" She sang

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