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Two hours into my 10 hour shift

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Two hours into my 10 hour shift.I'm still pumped! My co-workers are amazing my job is amazing I am almost through with school a month away from finishing to be exact and I'll be able to do my whole job right now they allow me to overshadow and train with them.

Most of my coworkers finished school and are licensed I'm the last one on the team to finish school.

"Nurse Orion." My team leader called to me. Mandy the director of our labor and delivery team who consists of 4 people one of them being me. She's an amazing leader and she's extremely cut throat and I admire that.

"Yes Ma'am?" I ask as I look up from the items that I was restocking in one of the delivery rooms.

"I'm giving you your first patient of more to come." She says cheekily.

I stand up from my crouching position arms full of gauze.

"Really." I shriek out.

"I mean Thank You, where's their chart?" I composed myself.

She laughs lightly.

"You can be excited because I'm proud of you and I've seen how far you've come with school and training and your passionate that's why your one of the best I've seen and your only training." She says as she smiles at me.

Mandy offered me the internship I'm working now, in her exact words ' Your passionate, emotionally intelligent, and empathetic.'

She said the medical field needs more of that. I agree.

"But Pollux this is special case a tricky one if I may add. The patient is age 27 Angel Marei and she also has Leukemia."

My mouth drops slightly.

"I know what your thinking in rare cases some people with leukemia may have affected fertility but she was able to get pregnant and carry up into 4 months but the thing is she's getting worse where it's looking to be that the baby will most likely be premature and her survival rate is getting low. We haven't predicted any other birth defects but it's now your job to monitor and predict also."

"Okay is she in chemotherapy." I flip through her chart not seeing it anywhere.

"Her chart is being updated as we speak, as you know while pregnant you can't be on chemotherapy until your past 14 weeks of pregnancy while she past it she still has been hesitant to get it in fear of harming her baby but she started at 3 months , Aria failed to update her chart."

I squint "Aria" is one of my coworkers, when I said my coworkers are amazing I never meant her. Her grandad is CO. president of the hospital and she thinks she owns it me personally I think she should have been the barista in the cafeteria.

"She has been here since the very beginning of her second trimester, she is very blunt she feels she already knows she's not going to survive and she's hell bent on saying that this is her mission and her purpose and she has accepted the risk. I believe you can handle this. I trust you Pollux and as you know this isn't just a 8-24 hour labour it's a long one and your going to be on this journey with her until she gives birth. Do you believe you can handle this?"

"Yes I do! Thank you so much Mandy I seriously appreciate it." I say genuinely as I'm internally screaming inside I'm happy to be helping someone, well as much as I can help her.

I sit in the nurses lounge as I go over my patients chart. She has acute myeloid leukemia (AML).Angel has had leukemia for awhile but it has been left untreated and in one of these rare cases her diagnosis has changed into acute leukemia which is much more severe than CLL.She's 27, 4 months pregnant, engaged and has been in the hospital for 3.5 months which is when she started to get even sicker than what she was. She didn't start chemotherapy until 2 weeks ago. She'll have to be here during the rest of her pregnancy due to her leukemia being so severe and her pregnancy just because it's safer. I hope I can ease her experience. This case is a wild one.

I breathe out a sigh.

8 more hours to go.

8 more hours to go

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