Love's a messy affair (Silver Candle)

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The final Camera was shut off as the red and yellow portal Mephone had used disappeared. Cabby's new library was alive with a symphony of sounds: Yin Yang, Goo, and Bot were causing a ruckus near the comfy bean bags and sofas, while Walkie tried to silence them. Meanwhile, Clover's animal showcase to Balloon and Nickel was a chorus of squeaks and chirps, added onto by Nickel yelling about the proximity of Butterflies to him. The afternoon sun shone over the island, bathing it in a warm, spring glow that filtered through the lofty, round-paned windows. Many of these windows stood ajar, allowing a gentle, melancholic breeze to waft in, making many hold their papers and documents against the down.

Across the computer's sat the tall lad, an elegantly blunt chortler of sorts. He dragged on his shirt as he ate another cookie, not really paying attention to much. His eyes traced the blues and whites and greys of the room, finding a lack of anything truly note worthy to his eye. From one side, Bot ran across, holding what looked to be a small, black and white file. They were chased by Yin Yang, the darker half giving a grimacing and malicious smirk as he pursued, holding a red pen. The lighter half seemed to grip a sheet of paper with curly hand writing, and they forced themselves to stop, much to Yang's dismay.

"What is it now?" He loudly asked, audible from across the library, but not loud enough to catch Walkie's attention as she chased after Bot and Goo. Yin spoke in a softer and quieter tone, seeming to point at Silver. His words seemed to have an effect as Yang's smile dropped and he walked towards the spoon, carefull to avoid the coffee stained rug from Floor and Goo's earlier charades game. In fact, they were heading his way right now.

Silver groaned slightly, hoping it wasn't another of Yang's dumb pranks. Last time it had been a book that actually been cake, splatted and slammed into him. "What do you want?" he asked, already sitting straighter and more alert, in case of any way ward desserts or water balloons coming his way. Yet, neither said a word. Yang only passed the crumpled piece of paper, expression blank, before running off. He seemed to hold a slight smirk, making Silver feel wary to read said note.

"You're cordially invited to meet a special someone...." it read, making him confused. The writing style was like his. Yet the hand writing was a little less sophisticated, or cursive like. "At the PicNix table, today. Immediately." the letter continued. For some reason, he felt like listening to the note. He felt the desire to actually go there.

"No...pfft. Who in their right mind listens to some Stupid note? From him?" he laughed to himself, despite already walking. 'No' he thought to himself. 'I'm just......going to the bathroom.' That small, yet sly voice in his own head reassured him. That...horrible thing. Why now? Why now was it speaking to him? However, as he was mid thought, he last line of the letter caught his full attention as he walked.

"Have a little faith, Silver.

From, Someone you admire.".

Those words. "Have a little faith.". Only one person would ever say that to him. his heart seemed to flip as he looked back at the main library lounge, seeing Yang and Bot being scolded by a very stressed looking walkie. He realised that, in the time he hadn't paid heed to his own foot steps, he had already gone past the open front doors. The tiled floors and carpeted rugs became soft grass and course grave beneath him. Yet he continued to walk, without understanding why. 

From here, he could see Floory in the distance, along with Test Tube who was chugging down a large beaker of brown, barbecue sauce. Both Fan and Floor kept cheering, like how they all had done almost two years prior when Yin Yang had downed a whole bottle of chocolate milk in one gulp. From the looks of things, their seemed to be a vast box of bottles for the three to indulge in as Test Tube finished and passed a bottle next to her, to Fan.

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