The Power Of Match (Tpot 12 AU)

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(I started writing this after TPOT 11 so things may not be at all how actual TPOT 12 is. But TPOT 12 isn't out yet anyway. This is just a silly little AU of mine, inspired by that phase in bfb when Donut became host.).

They walked along the grey hallways, mirrored by oval windows. Their footsteps echoed through the halls, drowning out the sounds of whatever was happening outside on show grounds or down below in the kitchen. The stark silence and emptiness of the place reminded them of walking around that stupid school and the area around the Fourest, searching for those pesky and conniving rule-breaker students. 

It ALWAYS ended up like this for him. First Two stole their show. Now those who he had trapped in captivity in the "Eternal Algebra Class with Four" or, "Exit" had escaped. It was ETERNAL algebra now. Then Two was sweeping in with a solution as usual like they thought they were something. LIKE THEY'RE Voice mattered in HIS show any more than they had done. Didn't it seem enough to sway half their entire cast of Bfb'ers into their stupid "TPOT" show?

"Stupid....Unlimited power. Stupid....contestants leaving MY show. Stupid.....Extitors......". They mumbled, pacing in front of a mailbox by the elevator door. Their friend, the bubbly and cheery charmed X, walked over, concerned over his frustrated mutterings and pacing.

"Four?" He asked, wondering what could've made them so mad. "What are you doing? Do you need another Juice?".

"Not right now, X. I'm busy." They merely said, still pacing but taking the carton nonetheless and avoiding eye contact. The action did seem to show reciprocation of the yellow cretin's kindness as he drank from the white straw carton. Their face was disgruntled yet excited as they stood, sipping on their drink like they were waiting for something. "I've got a good plan to give Two a taste of their own medicine and take back MY CONTESTANTS!!!" They warbled in their maniacal voice. Or at least, it would sound maniacal if their bluish number 4 style body wasn't waggling and oogling about, or his voice didn't suddenly crack again. "With you're help of course.".

They sipped harder on their straw as they sat, an appealing image that tried to look menace but more so looked like a silly child. "Well, uhhh...." X began hesitantly, grabbing his own orange carton of juice as he too sat down. "Sure, I can help. Just promise you won't hurt anyone.".

"Ok. I promise." Four replied, patting his friend on one of his upper diagonal yellow lines. "See that window?" They asked, pointing to the selection of oval windows. More specifically, the red one.

"Yep. I see it." X replied, following Four's finger. "The blue one.".

"No." He replied, a little annoyed. "The red one. THAT one.". Again they pointed at the red window. He watched X's eyes follow their finger, this time towards what could only be the right window specifically.

"Oh, I see. Blue." He said, pointing at the window next to it.

"NO!!!!!!!!" Four cried out, growing frustrated before slapping his head in actual disbelief. Something told him that maybe he WOULD have to focus on other stuff with X instead of Math. Hopefully, the naive friend of his would learn ENOUGH to not mess up his plan.

Luckily, he heard the mailbox ding as the stand was weighed down, and he rushed over to it. X watched as his numerical friend leapt up and down in excitement while taking out a heavy brown parcel. The thing seemed heavy, with the Algebralian having to carry it cradle style in both hands and setting it up on the window sill, just before the three coloured windows. Far down below in the kitchens, they could hear some sort of commotion, causing Four to sigh and groan. Just 5 minutes un the kitchens and those pesky Exitors were already up to SOME kind of trouble. He could sense it.

"Ok X. You know which window I said?" He asked, looking at the shorter one rather menacingly. His eyes were wide and fixated and his expression serious and dedication that unnerved the yellow critter, who vigorously nodded. Four seemed suspicious, inching closer to his face as they stared, so quiet and menacing.

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