Toxic Pt.3: Poison

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Cheer and celebration filled through the air, amidst the dessert's arid air. The sun, once basking landscapes in Four's signature ocean blue, now shone its regular yellow glare, much to relief of all the contestants. Across the faces, was some level of either amazement of excitement. 

"Congrats!!!! I knew you had it!!" Bubble chirped, wrapping an arm around her grey freind. Gelatine also joined the group, a wide, stupid smile spread across his face.

"I'm surprised she got so far." Flower commented, smiling despite her loss. "She deserves it for sure.".

"Well of course she does. A newbie alliance victory is the only victory we needed here." Lolipop added, nudging Flower playfully. "Besides, at least you went from...what, first boot of season one to second place in season 4?".

Flower chuckled slightly, nudging Lolipop back. "Yeah, yeah, at least I got top 4.".

Meanwhile Ruby ecstatic as ever, was right by her metallic winner freind. "Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH!!!!" she kept spouting, eyes sparkling as she stared at the bfb in her friend's hands. It sparkled and made a low effort hum as she squealed from the sight of it.

"Y.....Yeah thanks guys." Was all the lemon leaf mustered, as the group began heading to the party that had been set up as an apology for Four. "W...Wait up.".

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Bubble asked, concerned.

"Oh no, its nothing." She chirped, smiling as she beckoned her freind along to the rest of the group. "Really, you don't have to worry Bubs.".

"Oki. We'll save you whatever cake it is X and Ruby made." she replied, as she walked off. The red jewel girl was yelping extatically next to her, as they joined Lolipop, Flower, TD and the others.

Leafy sighed, The winds blew across as distant chatter and chirping faded, until there was only silence. A relaxing silence, away from the people and places of wonder, danger and experience.

She sat, not even caring for the hardness of her mettalified legs or her bent out shape. The silence was hollow. Yet.......nice.

She had done it. She'd won. Not only had Firery been eliminated (ironically in episode 25, his winning episode of season 1) but she had won. She held the elusive and famed bfb that everyone else had chased. In her other hand, was that bfdi, the cover image a deeply saturated and pixelated state. Why any of them had begun to compete wasn't a fathomable idea. This thing was It was all cool. The competition was cool. Being able to talk and laugh and have great moments with her friends

Friend: Someone who cares for you and helps you. They don't use you. You can rely on them and they can rely on you. You can trust each other.

It was cold. That was a surprise to be sure. The sun was exhibiting heat down upon her. In a dessert no less. Though, she had been within the world's hottest oven just a few weeks prior, so maybe she had gotten used to the heat.


It was cold. A coldness, almost like an emptiness. A grievance that she seemed to have forgotten. Like her mind had pushed it down under her other worries and thoughts. Like her friends.

And winning. 

"I won." She said, again. It was true. She had won. She had outright, undeniably and completely honestly, won. This was her moment. SHE was the victor here. She was the one on the pedestal. She had come so far and won.


Why didn't it feel right?

'You're a winner.' Her mind mumbled. But the voice didn't sound like her. It wasn't like her voice. Or, her new voice. There was no dryness, no deepness, no fatigue. That voice didn't belong to someone who had been roughed through muck and cut down like a tree. That voice didn't know the feeling of having something great, only to watch it slip away and be unable to do a thing. That voice. It was she, yes.

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