Pesky Besties Pt 1(OOAK AU)

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[Episode 11 is here!!!! Hope you guys enjoy.].

Shallow waters crashed upon white beaches, alongside scuttling crabs and burrowing hermits. The tree's leaves were their most vibrant green as breezes swept through the late July haze, airing out some of the intense heat. At one end was a group of people, each chattering and chiming on such an amazing day.

"And then HE decides to just.....LOCK US OUT!!!!? CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT GUY!!!?" Yang scornfully grumbled, his hands expressive and waving. "He wins ONE season and owns HIS OWN hotel with that boyfriend of his and thinks he's all sum big shot huh!?" They added, picking up a stone and skimming it across the water. Candle merely smiled as she watched them ramble, while Silver scoffed at the side.

"Oh my, how horrible. Oj did something sensible and logical in HIS hotel, wow!" He sarcastically remarked to deaf ears. Candle grabbed his hand to which he did not reject, though his face did show a falsified repulsion. "Really Yang, that sounds SO interesting.".

"Hey, don't look at me like you didn't use MY immunity to get him voted out!" They retorted, pointing a finger at Silver. He uncaringly batted his eyes away, tossing his own stone. It bounced once and sunk, much to his dismay. "Yeah, you think I'd ever forget that stunt of yours?".

"It's not MY fault the viewers happen to love you so much!" He replied, grabbing another stone alongside the black cookie. Each stared at the other with a slight amnosity. 

"Well maybe because they prefer someone who isn't lazy and lame." They hissed, grabbing their own stone and aiming at the water. Each gave each other death glares as they threw their stones and watched them skip across the shoreline.




A third stone, with a purple glint around its edge as it spun through the air, crashed into theirs. It bounced off the first two in a sort of golden and purpur blaze, streaking fifteen more times across the waterway. Both Silver Spoon and Yang could only only stare at their sinking pebbles as they heard her mischievous but still gentle chuckle.

"Well, I wonder who may be fan favourite soon." She said, pulling up one of Cabby's files. She displayed the several folded charts to the both of them with a smug look. Yang grabbed one of the sheets, displaying how, over the past few episodes, his immunity vote kept going exponentially down while the votes for both Candle and Bow Bot were increasing throughout the eliminations. "At this rate, I'll be overtaking you by next elimination.".

"Grrr! WHAT IS THIS OUTRAGE!!!?" Yang yelled, stomping as he wafted the papers and file. "THEIR ALLIANCE CAN DO TO US WHAT YOU DID TO OJ FOR THE WHOLE MERGE!!!?".

"Yes, how sa-" Silver began to grumble only to instantly stop. His pupils dilated as his face turned sheet white and he stared at the grumpy black and white cookie. "I'm sorry what?" he inquired in a serious tone. Looking towards Candle, he saw the same shocked expression on her face, along with one of her eyes seeming to twitch. She clutched the file as both looked over toward the over side of the beach where Test Tube and Cabby seemed to be talking and laughing together.


"Argh!!!!! WHY!!!!?".

Almost everyone stared at the frantic and stressed show host phone, batting away a collective of creatures from a plate with some pretty mouldy looking ice cream. The plates were plentiful, with huge piles of a once mile-high pie now strewn about on each. Also at the sight was a bunch of flying critters, cretins and creatures of different sizes and shapes, yet each with the same black wings and sharpened fangs and teeth that sunk into mouldy cake flesh. 

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