Teams Rebalanced (TPOM)

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Everyone stared as she held up the wall without effort, her fist glowing bright green along with the hovering structure. She seemed calm, almost as if there had been no danger at all. From her very being, as she stood, there was an impending aura of power and might quite like no other. Given that Two's ability was "Limitless Power" it surely could have been expected that the amount of energy and might one might contain from it was certainly on a whole other level. Yet, in Two, they never noticed such power because they were usually so bubbly and carefree.

And now she held that power. She stood, staring at the wall like it was something annoying. As if her brain wasn't even considering that a wall had almost flattened her and her friends. She scoffed, moving her hand in a dismissive notion as the tall structure flew back up, snapping into place like a jigsaw puzzle. The glass and bricks on the floor also flew back into place and the whole thing looked brand new, like she and the other nine Exitors hadn't previously busted it down. Match's fist glowed no more as she turned towards the others.

"Why are you guys, like, looking at me like that?" She asked, noticing their wide-eyed stares for the first time. Golf Ball was lost for words. Basket Ball's lip quivered in shock and she seemed to tilt her head in disbelief. Pillow looked.....kinda bored to be honest, and somehow the calmest out of everyone there.  

"Is something wrong?" She asked her friends from the Exit, turning towards them. They too had shocked faces. Liy and 8 Ball didn't seem to have any words and David just jittered in a place like usual. She looked over at four, who only seemed slightly alarmed, and something told  her it may be for a different reason than the others that was more personal to him. Still she couldn't care, as long as she knew her best friend well.

"Why is everyone acting so weird? Do you have any idea, Pence Pence?" She asked, turning to her best friend. Pencil seemed shocked too, though more staring towards her rather than around her. "Pence Pence?".

"Match do.....Do you feel....anything strange?" She asked, beckoning to her friend like there was something obvious she should notice. "Like....anything at all?". She patted her friend's shoulder while looking at her, both in perplexing and seeming awe. "I mean you....moved that entire wall without touching it....".

"Oh, yeah I did." She said nonchalantly. "Well, I guess being stuck in the Exit for six years would do that. Can't you guys do that?" She asked, waving a hand to herself and to the other 9 Exitors. Every single one of them shook their heads in disagreement.

"Hey, that Two guy said something about "Unlimited Power" or something." Liy realised as Match continued to stare at her and the others. She turned towards the TPOT competitors. "Do you guys know anything about that?" she asked them. 

"Well, we all joined this show because Two promised us their Unlimited power." Black Hole explained, bobbing up and down as he spoke. "We're all competing so that at the end, they'll give us that unlimited power.". Many others, including Fanny, Price Tag and Robot Flower all seemed to murmur in agreement.

"So.....where's Two?" Match asked, confused on what the issue was. "If they gave me their power, shouldn't they just be able to....take it back?".

"Two isn't here." stated, surprising everyone as he picked up the strange rock, along with the two smaller rocks. "But my plan did work. Now that they've been divided by one..." He said, pointing to Match and drawing a line shape around her in comparison to the number one. "You'll have to take ME back as your host now!!" He said gleefully. Even if X had messed up on part of the plan, it had still worked in some way.

To this, everyone screamed. Golf Ball, Tennis Ball and the other 3 members of her team all jumped down a metal hatch to her "secret" underground bunker while Death Pact again and Team8tes both hid in the hotel. The blue number smiled proudly, like a kid who had been told his macaroni art was the best thing ever seen, and turned towards Match. All the other Exitors backed away, watching him raise his hands.

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