Toxic Pt2: Scorched Scars

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[Sequel to Toxic.].

Sunlight basked the Capillary ruins once more in its warm comforting glaze, across all the rising jagged purple peaks and the lush, moist embrace of green grass. The fury of the previous night's storm had calmed. A tall, pink-petaled flower girl, trudged along, dragging a cart shrouded in a fuzzy pink blanket, as if in a parade.

She gasped in excitement as her legs leapt toward the three she wanted to see. "Hey friends!!!" Flower cried out, startling Gelatin. "I'm FINALLY ready to present my new FASHION LINE!!!!" she explained, pulling the cart over and yanking the cover off to reveal a rail with several cuddly but scratchy looking home made sweaters. There were blue one's and greens. There were purples and pinks and even yellows. "Glitter for your FACE!!!".

Blocky stared at the sweater selection in slight dismay, while Gelatin had a nerve racked look from them. The usually scared and timid Woody merely had a bored expression on his face. "The glitter that's infused in the fabric can REPEL VOMIT!!!".

"THEY'RE HORRENDOUS!!!" Blocky yelped in an over dramatic tone that was ignored.

"They look so bad I'm getting nightmares from them, even though I'm awake." Gelatin warbled, baking away from the rack.

"Is oh-ah" Woody warbled, with a bored look. This statement seemed to displace Flower's mood the most. She audibly gasped and stared right at, angered. Yet, his face remained calm, unlike his usual timid and shy demeanour.

"Did you just say "its OK"!!?"" she demanded to know, her face angry. He noticed her rearing back as, with as little time as possible, he grabbed Blocky and put him in his place to take the full blunt force of whatever the angered fashionista plant was preparing.

"H....Hey, why did you-?" The red cube was going to ask, only to feel the heel of a kick, right in his chest, sending him flying upwards to rocketing altitudes. Blocky cried out as he flew, an angry Flower panting while not realising that she had hit the wrong target.

"HEEEEY there, Leafster...."Gelatin said enthusiastically as he approached the slightly moody looking Leafy. "Woah, you been eating Yoyle Berries again?" he asked, noticing her usual green colour & leaf like softness replaced by a hard shell and grey, tough skinned body. Yet, as she looked at him, he simply dismissed the question, his face cheery. "Check out this brand new sweater I got!!".

She blinked in confusion and slight surprise. Despite how uncomfy the sweater looked, he put on a very over exaggerated smile. "Didn't you say that thing give you nightmares?" She reminded him, only to realise how dry and deep her voice had become. 'Probably too many Yoyle Berries.' Leafy thought to herself as Gelatin moved in an almost robust and creaky fashion.

"Look what happened to Blocky." He simply said, the smile even wider. His eyes were deadpan as he pointed up, and they looked at the still descending and still screaming red cube, flailing about as he fell towards the ground.

"LOOK AT MY NEW SWEATER WOODY!!!!" she exclaimed, showing a bubbly smile towards Woody. He made no reaction, despite the sudden appearance of this metallic and terrified creature, smiling with only her eyes. 

"ool" he replied.

"Yeah I know ri.....H....Hey..."Leafy began, only to pause. "Wait, Woody?".


"Did Bubble ever get...brought back?" she asked, slightly nervous for her old freind. Surely, after Four had popped Bubble SOMEONE had remembered to bring her back, right?

Surely someone will come. 

"Gah!" she yelped, rubbing her head painfully. Of all times to remember that time, why now? 

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