Dork till the end (Plasma Knight)

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Winds picked up on the grasses as the sun began to set. The wooden chairs and tables were empty, aside from one moping person, eating chocolate bars from a bowl. There were no trees around so the sunlight cast perfectly off her glass ball-like body, sending a ray of sunlight onto that same bleached spot on the bench again. The spot that had once been occupied. Her hands held the wrapper lazily and she didn't realise that her mouth was chewing on it and not chocolate. Or, she just didn't seem to care. In her other hand was the bandaged-up wooden sword, with tape and white cloth binding it together despite it being nothing more than a children's toy.

At least, it would be at first glance. Truth be told, she couldn't understand how she had grown so emotionally attached to things through him. A total loser and dork when she met him, completely unappealing in the slightest. Hiding his attempts to swindle women behind "Chivalry" and "Honour" and all that crap. It was stupid that he could ever have made friends with anyone like her. 

Yet, as she moved the wrapper back into the bowl and grabbed a proper chocolate bar, she found it endearing and ironic that his elimination had been the one to hit her so hard. Plasma Ball could have anticipated Flash Light to feel a little bad. She may have thought Caramel Cube having to leave was a major hit to her, but she still found a reason to keep playing and to keep going on in this competition.

And he was that reason. With his....stupid belief he was a real "Knight" and his.....stupid way of talking and his.....stupidly fluffy red mane hair. And his....stupid laugh and his stupid cute face and the stupid way he stupidly made her feel stupid for overthinking and how stupid he would be in situations and how he was just.....just...

"Gah!" She groaned, crushing the bar with her hand and dropping it on the floor. Her plasma coil was glowing slightly, making her bulb face warm up and her cheeks turn slightly orange. She couldn't help it as she put the sword on the table due to her hands shaking, and those same thoughts ran through her mind for what seemed to be the one millionth time that day. All through that stupid egg and spoon race challenge, whenever they were talking and walking along the trails, she would laugh at something he said or did. And every time, she would catch a glimpse of him smiling at her, or staring at her.

It was intoxicating how much she kept thinking of him. Knight Helmet was a goofball, often in over his head and larped about "Dragons" and "Knightly Chivalry" and "Gentlemen's Honour" so much it was funny. He was the kind of guy who would boldly yell and charge forward with that stupid toy sword of his when they were just going a small walk. And if you complimented him or entertained his whims and dramatic scenes, he could be the cutest screws loose dork imaginable.

She put the sword in front of her and held it. It was barely anything and only together because she had put it together for him. He'd been so down when it broke, so how could she not fix it for him? Even when he was annoying or stupid, it seemed worse to see him down, especially for something he valued so heavily. 

Like how she valued him.

Like how she cherished him. Like how she loved how he could make her laugh with his dorkiness and care with his honesty and feel better with his kindness.

Like how she....loved.....him.

"Plasma Ball?".

Her attention was diverted, even with her mind screaming it was not real. Surely she had just heard what she wanted to hear. He couldn't be back, not in a million years. 

But he was.

"Are you alright?" He asked again, stepping forward. He put a hand on her bulb, noticing the heat coming off of it was a bit high. "You seem a bit....stressed.".

"Kn...Knight Helmet? How are you...?" She began to ask, completely confused. How could he be here if he had been eliminated? Had a miracle occurred? Whatever it was, it did not matter because seeing him made her slightly smile, even if her coil burned brighter.

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