Dumb and Dumber (FanTube)

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Glass chinked along boards as metal seared along machinery. Air flowed in from the steel vents, as grey smokes were channelled out of funnels, into the ceiling and above. The room, though particularly grey, did have many photos, albums and trinkets, ranging from friend hangouts to little plastic egg charms hung on display boards on the walls. Green eggs with white stripes. Purple eggs with yellow polka dots. One of the filing cabinets even had colourful sheets of paper and art supplies, sitting just below the much more organised-looking drawer of lined white sheet paper and industrial blue graph paper. At one end of the lab, were several doors leading to different rooms, each viewable from a rectangular, shaded glass window with different colours of blinds on this side.

From one of the rooms, a figure exited through the concrete heavy door, yanking off her metal soldering mask from her face and tossing it, along with a wrench, onto the high-rise steel desk in an uncaring manner. Behind her, a second figure, much shorter, stepped out, placing several metal plates gently on the table and wiping the dust and moisture from his pale green goggles. Checking the plates to make sure none were cracked or scratched and making sure they matched the dimensions specified in his blueprints, he heard a crack, followed by an exasperated gasp, as he saw her half sit, half lean in one of the plastic blue chairs.

"Shit." She said, twisting the arm she had just bent back into place with surprising force, causing a pop to resonate through the room and ring in his ears. "That feels better..."She said, finally able to sit comfortably. "Thanks for the help Fan." She said, grabbing a can of soda and chucking it to him as he sat next to her. The red and white can slipped through his fingers, nearly falling, only for him to catch it, at the price of his upright balance.

"Eh, no problem. I just like drawing." He said, still holding a blueprint in his off-hand. The model show appeared to be in three main parts, outlined in bright red, with the two side pieces made up of those same plates. The circle in the middle was about the size of a bucket and sat on another nearby desk, hooked to wire and computers. Fan remembered the first time trying to carry that thing, which felt as heavy as a high-end bowling ball, only for Test Tube to then pick it up with such ease.

He glanced at Test Tube as she drank from her own can, staring into simple nothing and probably thinking of nothing. Her eyes seemed dull as they had been for quite a while now, despite her lips contorted in soft smile as one of her arms swayed next to her, making her look almost cute.

'CUTE!!!? NO, She isn't that. She's just awesome.' He thought in panic, hoping she wouldn't notice him turn away and go on his phone to distract himself from her. Yet, he couldn't help but place his hand beside her, despite his thoughts screaming at him. His legs swung from the height of the chair as he laid back, ignoring those thoughts that plagued his mind and made him doubt everything about himself. He couldn't just imagine them as something like....a couple or something. He had grown more accustomed to change, both in people and social situations, yet how would she respond?

It could only be an ideal world where he could actively hold her hand, even if it was that close. And from his experience, he knew that an ideal world could never happen. That was probably why he stuck to the internet so much, even now. It was an ideal world, to him at least.

Meanwhile, Test Tube's arm swung as she drank, not really paying attention too much. Her hanging hand pressed on the small, padded red squeeze grip she used as a fidget. It helped when her body wanted to move, but her thoughts wanted her to be in one place. Usually, she would have done something like chew paper at her desk, or squeeze plastic cups, but that seemed to grow old pretty soon. And on the plus side of helping her stop fidgeting, it also seemed to give her arms SOME kind of workout in the often days she would stick down here.

'I should seriously stop doing that.' She mentally noted, glancing over at Fan, who was focused on his phone. It surprised her how, out of the two of them, HE was the one who found it easier to sit still. She remembered running an experiment a while back where he'd made him sit on a chair in of the test rooms and not given him any instructions or anything worthwhile to observe, and taken watch off him through the one way window. While she had been unable to stop moving during the 10 minute observation, he had somehow sat there, simple and with a small smile, completely still. The result of that one had truly baffled her very definitive understanding of him, and of herself.

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