Chapter 6: A bit of a change.

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Out in space, in a vast ship, its black and green interior seemed endless while heels clicked across as fast as they could. "Hurry!" Along behind her, Amelia did her best to get Mesogog to keep up, but when he pushed past her and yanked on her arm instead she nearly tripped. "Heels! Heels!" Her scream through the dark halls echoed about as she comically tried to pry off her shoes to carry them.

It only took a couple of seconds to get them off, but that's about all it took for the horde of soldiers to catch up and the sight of the stampede of heavy thick soles startled her. "That way-- that way!" There wasn't a single word from the dino man when he tugged on her again. Her finger directed further down the hall and ran past a bat-looking creature, who heard her hysterical whales. "Sorry! Watch out! Stampede incomiiing!" There was no time to warn Broodwing, whom she recognized from Power Rangers SPD, for those red eyes followed hers and Mesogog's sprint.

Unbeknownst to her, the bat creature hugged the walls to avoid getting trampled by soldiers with SMGs and Rifles. Their laser sights on their guns flailed upon each hasty step they took and flashed across the hall.

"Don't let her get away! Move it!" Solar's voice rang throughout the area as if he had a megaphone in his mouth.

Amelia was determined to reach her destination, for she ignored the voices behind her and occasionally glanced at the back of Mesogog's head. It looks like I managed to get into Emperor Gruumm's ship! If I remember correctly, he has a short temper and if I play my cards right, I could use it to my advantage! It's the best obstacle I can use right now! Her mind was relentless. Thoughts of the bony alien brought a nostalgic memory of how she found his appearance cool as a kid.

Comedic cries filled the halls as she spotted an opened doorway. "There! There! In here!" Her finger pointed hastily and ran ahead of the dino man, straight into a Monitoring Room. She cared not if she caught anyone's attention or that Gruumm stood from the unexpected occurrence. All she thought about was to escape the soldiers and she pushed Mesogog in with both of her hands.

"Hi! Hello! Sorry! In a hurry! No time to explain!" Then and there she dropped her shoes, sprinted to the doorway, and ran her fingers swiftly along its frame. When she felt a button, the doors hissed shut, and a squeal of glee escaped her lips. "Yay!" It was more of a guesstimate than an assumption, that there would be a button to close it. Not another second was wasted when she ran to the prehistoric man's side, fished around for one of her Chemic Bombs, and pulled it out of one of her many pockets. "Horde of soldiers! Don't ask! Sorry for intruding! We needed an obstacle!" Her blue eyes glanced at the dumbfounded, head-tilting Emperor, and quickly put the bomb back.

"Where are we?!" Mesogog hissed in his raspy voice and leaned close to her face, none too happy that she brought them to an unknown, not-so-safe location.

"I'll tell you later! For now-- we have approximately fifteen seconds before they manage to bust the door down! If I use my Chemic Bomb, it could be a waste!" As she explained, albeit panicked, she spun around as a dog would to its tail trying to dig into her lab coat. "That leaves me to this!" Out came two vials of different colors. Facing the Emperor, she pressed her back against Mesogog who did the same, and she began to shake the tubes.

A cute little dance to pass a few seconds of her time, her tan hands tipped one of them just so a tiny droplet could leak over its edge and let it drip into the other. "There!" Both thumbs laid over the holes of the tubes and grinned. "Five more seconds!" Peering around the dino man's shoulder, she could see the Laser Bullets cut through the metal of the door and the sound of the guns on the other side. "Three!" She prepared, pulled back the tubes close to her waist, and hunched over. "One!" As if on cue, the door flung off of its hinges, which startled a child who sat nearby and chucked the tubes.

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