Chapter 32: The big plan.~

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After several hours, Mesogog made thirty more dinosaurs and was tired. He couldn't stop gawking at the progress they made together, for he stood in the Tyrannodrone room and counted up to seventy dinosaurs so far. Thirty more and our army will be complete. His golden hues scanned over the Tyrannodrones that were bunched to the side to provide more space and was surprised how many dinos could fit. Of course, they had to refrain from making giant dinosaurs like T-Rexes due to how much space they would take up.

They all watched him expectantly like children who waited for their parent to speak, which was more baffling considering they were carnivorous creatures. "Stay here and do not eat each other... There is some raw meat over there, should you need it," A red claw pointed to where a giant crate of animal meat sat and walked out of the room. He had no idea that Stevie gave them all a firm stare and sat in front of the prehistoric horde.

Mesogog trekked the halls and turned corners, with thoughts of his woman eating or sleeping. Imagining her devouring a Bacon Cheeseburger with its juice and condiments all over her face, made his maw slack a bit. But when the thought of her fast asleep in his bed came to mind, his strides picked up speed.

I want to feel her warmth, and what better way to do so than to hold her while I sleep? As he pondered her sleeping face, he couldn't help but think about her other expressions. Especially some days to a week ago when everyone had to pitch in to make the eggs and embryos. How she slid across the floor on a wheeled chair and snatched test tubes on her way past stations. The way she bounced and danced around. When she juggled the tubes with skill and would toss them easily back into their holders. It was hard not to be amazed, considering those chemicals were hard to make and would've been ruined if she dropped them.

She's insane... The kind of insanity that would make most others back away. I can see why she had a hard time with her co-workers when she worked at Solar's facility before. But that is what makes her stand out and I like it. The lift of his chin as he approached his chamber's doors, proved that he was pleased and wanted to see more of it. It is not just that... He thought for a moment, wandered up to the end of the rounded bed, and saw her curled into herself on top of the black blanket.

How she would shower him with affection, and attention, scold, and react to his approaches. Her excitement over him, the presents she made for him, the recordings he listened to before, and how much she would praise him. It was addicting to feel her warmth. It wasn't her bodily temperature he craved, but it was her as a whole that he couldn't stand being away from for too long.

She was like a hot flame he enjoyed being around and there was no way he was going to let anyone steal it. She is his furnace in the cold, the torch in the dark that he could watch flicker with energy and warmth. If her flame catches things on fire, he would chase her down to stop it from spreading. There was nothing in the world that could shatter his attraction.

It is her fire that I crave. With that, he walked around and sat on the edge of the bed to remove his shoes; they were sat aside once he did. As silent as a predator, he crawled onto the bed and rested on his side next to her. Close to her face, he inched more and coiled his arms around her. A leg propped over her hip to keep her pressed against him and was careful to scoot up so her face would be to his chest. However, when he felt her shoulders with his hand, he nearly flinched from how hot she was. She was not kidding about needing to sleep without blankets sometimes. It is nice.~ There was a hint of comfort in the low growl he made and cuddled closer with his chin to her head. From there he started to feel her temperature through his clothing and it was enough to make his eyes roll.

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