Ch 11- Farewell

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Nathan's POV:

No no no !! he can't just leave me like this, i will be all alone without him. Why is he saying like this? WHY WHY WHY!!!?????

Tyson: see i know it would be hard for us to suddenly stop this , but i have thought about it a lot yesterday and i made this decision.

Who the fucking hell is he the one to decide!!!

Tyson: Nathan please say something.

Me : what should i say?

Tyson: see one day or the other this would have ended.

Me: and why would it end?

Tyson: why not, you are straight , one day you will stop all this.

Me : i'm not straight, i'm bisexual.

Did i just came out to him? Did i just accept myself as bisexual?

Tyson: but you have a girlfriend, and i love to see you together. And nowadays you don't give her much love you should go and love her.

How can i give love to her when i love this dumbo, i don't know why are these amorous feelings not completely coming out .

Tyson: nathan are you even listening?

I didn't know what to say.

Tyson: Nath, listen we will always be best friends and i will always be there but we need to stop this sex and all.

Me: maybe you are right, we should just be best friends.

The words were all just words, not my real feeling , not the thing i wanted. My male ego didn't let me beg for his love.

Me: can we just hug , please 🥺

Tyson: yes 🥹

We both hugged, i kissed his neck and i wanted this to end.

Me: can we stay like this for

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Me: can we stay like this for...

Tyson: for?

Forever 🥺

Me: for some time.

Tyson: stay as much as you want.

Oh i just want him to stay with me forever. I can feel his heartbeats oh his vanilla kind of body odor drives me crazy. He arms wrapped around me makes me feel loved. We both stayed in that position for five to seven minutes.

Tyson: now i should go, it's already late.

Me: yeah you should, but do you want to have something .

Tyson: no no mom has prepared lunch i will have that only.

I didn't want him to go, i just wanted a way so that he could stay a bit more with me.

And this idiot is not understanding my signs. Oh no , he left , he went back to his home. I was broken thinking about thinks hae ended between me and Tyson. My eyes were filled with tears, my heart felt heavy and my throat was hurting. I had never cried for matters related to my friends or love but then i was obliged to cry. I broke down in my room ,cried and cried, i was so sad that i didn't even answer any calls. Why the hell Tyson broke our FWB , it was the only way for me to show love to him until i come out.

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