Ch 3- spanking

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Tyson passed to class 12 and so did his friends. It was the first day of the school. He walked down to his class and saw Nathan and Adrian had kept seat for him, and they all were sitting like class 11.

Nathan: i did not think i would pass class 11.

Tyson: neither did i

Adrian: if i would have not passed my dad would have eaten me raw.

Sierra: Tyson and i had thought to jump of the cliff if we both fail.

Mia:and i would be the one pushing them down.

Nathan and Portia use to kiss during class and everytime Tyson would see them.

Portia use to say he is like steve from the song 'you, me and steve'.

Ember: everything is perfect but our teacher, mr. ostwald he is so irritating.

Tyson: true and his fashion sense is so bad.

Nathan: i always imagine his face and it symbolizes a thief or a weird animal

They all started their day with laughters and joke and started their class 12. Tyson made his bond with his friends more stronger. He use to talk to his best friend from old school too , his name was ' Henry youngs'.

Henry was a guy whom Tyson would trust blindly cause before this tyson henry were a trio with a girl named Thea. but Thea broke friendship with them because of her love for her toxic boyfriend. Now only they both were for each other. Henry got a gf too and he use to meet Tyson once in a week near the old school .

The first month of class 12 had passed and everyone got a bit serious about their studies. It was the biology practical class when Tyson was standing and writing notes and he was standing in a way like his upper body was on the desk and is ass was out . Nathan came from the washroom and spanked his ass.

Nathan (whispered): oooh look who's got a nice ass.

Saying this he went away and stood beside Portia. He was about to start writing when he looked at Tyson and asked, " do you have a pen".

Tyson: come and take it.

Nathan steadily walked toward Tyson and took a pen saving himself from getting spanked. But Tyson spanked his ass while he was leaving the lab after the class.

Tyson(whispered in Nathan's ears): oohh look who's got a nice ass.

Nathan laughed. Now whenever they both met each other in the first period they both use to spank each other in a fun way. They both use to talk about stuffs and also share food. Tyson's lunch box was everyone's favorite in the group.

Tyson still liked Adrian but did not show his feelings that much.

It was in the middle of the session when there was again a cultural programme at the school. There was going to be a gay drama. Teachers were hiring pupils from senior classes for the drama. Tyson and Nathan were also selected.

Nathan: oh god, why am i chosen.

Portia: so what, i want to see you on the stage.

Nathan: you know why aren't selected?

Portia: why?

Nathan: because you are too short to be seen by the audience. 😂

Portia: 😒

Tyson: don't be annoyed pal, he is kidding.

Portia: yeah i get it. But still he is a dumb.

Nathan: and you are idiot 😂

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