Ch 1 - Friendship

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It was unfortunate for Tyson to leave his old school and friends and join a new school , the ' Maple Leaf Academy' in class 11 . Tyson is really shy being a gay guy but as he gets close to people he is he most funny and entertaining guy. He was in the closet from his family. Tyson is 16 years old when he joined the Maple leaf academy , he is fair skinned ,a bit skinny but muscular , he is trying to gain weight. black hair not to long nor short and trimmed nicely, around 172 cm height and a cute ova face , sparkly eyes and a fine jaw line.

Maybe it's dumb of him to tell everyone he starts getting close to , that he is gay. He made just two to three friends in the starting of the session. Tyson told he is gay to one of them named Reed , the famous and one of the old students of the school, and again , unfortunately Reed told everyone in his class that he is gay. Tyson got teased sometimes but somehow he started ignoring those teasing cause he is what he is. He stopped talking to those three friends too much.

By the middle of the year Tyson made new friends, or yo say only two girls, namely, Mia and Sierra, both of them were the one for whom Tyson would come to school , Tyson loved the way the three of them use to crack jokes. Mia was a bit dusky, short heighted girl , fun loving and always going easy with life. Sierra was one of the beautiful girl of the school whom many people had crush on. But she already had a boyfriend , but not in school and elder to her. She was a kind of caring one and also fun loving and always there to listen to Tyson.

The sitting arrangement of the class changed. Now Mia and Sierra sat at the corner beside the window at the back of the class, and Tyson sat in the front of their bench and in front of Tyson sat two nerd boys whom he did not talk to. The class was small so it was hard to fit 29 students in one. Beside Tyson sat Adrian, a cute guy, round face and a bit bulky body . strong arms charming smile and mole on his lower lips. Tyson soon made Adrian his friend too. It was the month of August when Adrian was absent. The Nerds were now not sitting in front of Tyson's bench, two girls were sitting , Ember and Portia.

Tyson have known them for a while and talked to them sometimes. Ember is kind of goon girl but jolly too and sometimes rude. Portia is just like a simple sweet girl , cute and small face, both the girls are best friends, both of them wear specs and both of them are short heighted.

Tyson was wishing that Adrian comes otherwise someone else would sit in his place and Tyson does not like other students in class that much. Then there came a guy, around 173 cm in height , really hot physique , fair skill, long hairs but set in a way that they look short, round specs , fair skin and really hot face, he was a kind of guy for whom any boy or girl can die. Tyson still didn't want that guy to sit beside him but he came and sat beside him.

Tyson was not talking to him, like kind of he thought the guy was not good to talk to.

Sierra: Nathan, after a long time you came to school, Something special?

Nathan: no pal, just my attendance is getting low that's why.

Nathan saw Tyson and said, "new students?"

Tyson: yeah it's been half a year still i'm a new student.

Sierra,Mia and Nathan started laughing.

Nathan: you are funny.

The class tarted, Tyson started writing what teacher was writing on the board.

Nathan : do you have extra pen?

Tyson gave him a new pen of his. While the class was going on they both got introduced to each other and kind of matched a vibe. It was the tiffin break, you took out your tiffin everyone started eating but Nathan was sitting idle.

Tyson: don't you bring your food?

Nathan: nah! I usually don't bring tiffin , i'm working out so ..

Tyson: that's why your body looks nice.

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