Ch 8 - Love

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Tyson's POV:

I was really happy with Adrian and was really happy with him. He use to love me alot but when i would be around Nathan i won't get any thoughts about him. Adrian would sometimes act strange but that's ok. It was the lunch break and Adrian and i had just finish eating, he went out to wash his hands cause he only fed me.

Sierra: so are you happy?

Me: i'm on seventh heaven Sierra, 🥹 i get emotionally attach to him more and more every time he is around me.

Sierra: then why are you hiding something from me? Tell me Tyson what it is ?

Me: uhm it's just that Nathan, he has been acting strange.

Sierra: i think he is jealous.

Me: jealous why?

Sierra: i don't know .

Me: hmm maybe ots because i don't give him that much time. And now he does not come to school frequently.

Sierra: he will be fine. And is there something about Adrian?
Me: uhm its like what should i say he sometimes act strange, when we both kiss sometimes he brake the kiss and also move away from me.

Sierra: oh i hope things get sorted out between you.

Me: yeah i hope so, i told this to Henry also he also said that it is because he thought he was straight back then.

Sierra: point.

The break was over and Adrian came back to his seat, i tried to hold his hand but he did not do so.i felt bad, sierra also saw that. It was a couple of days that he was acting strange, i talked to Nathan about this and he told maybe he has something in his mind.

After a day or two Adrian and i were walking near the school after it got over .we both were behind our group of friends they were waiting for us to cope up with them.

Adrian: i want to talk to you about something.

Me: hmm .

Oh god i'm scared.

Adrian: i really had a nice time with you,i didn't knew someone could love me so much.

Oh he is just grateful nothing else, nothing to fear thank god 😮‍💨.

Adrian: i think... we should end this? I am unable to be with you, i'm straight maybe otherwise i would have had sex with you , it's been two months now we didn't have anything intimate.

💔 🥺 he is really breaking up with me.

Adrian: i'm really sorry i know you wished that it never ends but it's better if we stay friends and nothing else. Its best for both of us, you are really a nice guy.

I stopped him at that moment i didn't say anything and just went from their taking tear filled eyes. Sierra Portia and Mia ran to stop me but i didn't stop. When i reached home , no one was there, i cried a lot hugging my legs. When i heard the door bell, maybe mom dad are home. When i opened the door , it was Nathan, he came inside and i shut door .

He without saying hugged me and i broke down in his arms , wetting his shoulder with my tears and wrapping his waist tight with my arms.

He walked like a penguin to the room nearby in that position of hugging. We both sat leaning to the bed's front body .

Nathan's POV:

Yes yes yes , finally this Adrian is not in my Tyson's life 😆 Oh wait 🥺 i can't see Tyson cry.

Tyson: i loved him so much, and he just used me.

Me: no he did not use you Tysi, he was just confused about his feelings and now he is clarified.

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