Ch 2- Relationship

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Tyson got to know that Nathan , Adrian , Ember and Portia are good friends and he was the newbie. Mia and Sierra were also a part of the group. Mia use to come less to school, and others would ask each other and then come to school. The group of friends loved how they use to spend time with each other. Tyson got to know from Adrian that Nathan is a bit scared of LGBTQ community and that Tyson is trolled by Reed and his group a lot. Tyson in replied said he doesn't care about what Reed does and he was shocked to know that Nathan was homophobe. Adrian liked Portia since class 10 but she rejected him already.

It was the month of November when school announced a school trip.

Tyson: where are we going?

Nathan: i heard some zoo.

Ember: what are we .. 8?

Mia: i'm not coming.

Sierra: nor am i

Portia: i will think.

Tyson: guys please come na i want to go not because i never went to zoo but because i want to spend time with you all.

Nathan: don't worry we will come.

Sierra took Tyson to a side and asked "you like Adrian?"

Tyson blushed :uhm yes i like him but he may not.

Sierra: so when will you tell.

Tyson: i don't know but i have planned to hold his hand when we will go to the zoo.

Sierra: aww ok that's nice.

It was one week before the trip the school was about to elect new council members. Tyson, Ember, Sierra and Portia also gave their names and did three interviews. On the friday the school elected it's council members. In which Reed was made the head boy, Tyson got the post of cultural head. Ember was sad because she wanted to be a member but could not be. Tyson was sad for Ember .

Then the next week on Wednesday the school excursion was executed. Except Sierra and Mia all other friends from Tyson's group came. He was happy that Adrian also came, while they were in their way going to the zoo Tyson could not sit with Adrian but Nathan sat with him and while going they played music and aso danced. Tyson saw Nathan dancing and he looked cute but Tyson was trying to be around Adrian who was sitting and taking videos. When they reached the zoo they finished visiting all the zoo in just half an hour. Now they had two and a hal hours to pass.

They sat near a place and were about to start eating their food but a lady caretaker of the zoo arrived and said, "you cannot have food here".

They understood and sat idly talking.

Ember: guys i have coca cola in my water bottle.

Portia: but idiot we aren't allowed to eat

Ember: but we can drink.

Nathan: give me i wanna have a sip. Ember and nathan were fighting over the bottle and the bottle's cap opened and the fizz of coca cola fell all over. They all got up from their place.

Tyson: oh shit, that lady will kill us.

Adrian: our bags also got wet maybe.

Ember: clean the mess guy otherwise we will be scolded.

They all cleaned the coke with paper and threw it before the lady could arrive.

Portia was acting childish as she wanted to play badminton and Nathan was stopping Tyson from playing.Nathan and Portia were a chaotic duo , and he use to always roast her for her short height and with him Tyson would too . Adrian had a chocolate in his bag and he gave it to Portia. She ate it half and Adrian kept the rest in his bag.

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