Ch 13- Forced Reunion

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Tyson POV:

Why god?! Why??!! Why did I again clash to him? 😔 🥺. I don't want all those to start again. Its still hard for me to get over him and now again I met him, no! No! no! .

I was walking from one corner of the room to the other in tension when I got a phone call from an unknown number.

Oh God! How did Nathan get my number?

I picked up the call as my heart rushed.

"Hi Tyson", The voice was familiar, but not Nathan's, "hi are you ok?"

I opened my eyes and looked at the screen of my phone, it was Adrian, seeing him I got relief.

"How are you?", he said with his sweet smile.

"Am good, how are you", I said with a happy face and sat on my be

"You have grown so much, all bulky and nice physique".

"No its not like that am the same".

"No you really look good now".

"Ok ok i take the compliment".

"How are you?"

"All good, what about you?"

"Am good too, am soon coming to your locality".


"Its been long, am planning a reunion".


"Yeah and everyone of our friends group would be there".

"Its would be so much fun and even nostalgic".

"Yeah I am really excited".

"But..", my face turned pale remembering Portia and Nathan.

"Don't worry bad memories won't be there when we all meet after long", Adrian gave me a assurance that it would be fine.

I was still not willing to meet Nathan, cause it would be hard to keep my amorous feelings inside me.

Adrian: I will give you the date time and location as soon as I come back to Toronto.

Me: yeah sure.

We disconnected the call and I had a happy feeling about again meeting all my friends.

I will keep distance from Nathan.

3rd Person's POV:

It was a sunday afternoon when Adrian texted all the informations about the meet up. He got ready in his good attire and he forgot about the locket he was wearing which was given by Nathan.

Tyson was invited to Adrian's house initially, as they all would meet there first, and then go outside.

Tyson's heart was rushing too fast to go inside the house and meet Portia.

Tyson's POV:

As I entered the house and walked in the drawing room I saw Portia, Adrian, Sierra, Mia and Ember. They all stood up seeing me and hugged me tight. When I looked up I saw Portia was still standing away from us.

Me: I know you will never forgive me but can you please keep those memos aside.

Portia with a small smile walked towards me and hugged me.

Portia: How are you?
Me: just fine, how are you? How is your doctor study going on?
Portia: all good, just too much burden of studying.

Ember: Its so good to see you both again talking.

Portia: It's hard for me to forgive him but for now let's just keep that aside.

Adrian: now lets sit and have some chit chat.

We were about to sit when we saw Nathan arrived there.

Oh god, he looks so beautiful, always mesmerizing to me. He has not at all changed he is just the same that cute and stud like boy the one whom I liked.

Nathan's POV:

Oh my god, look at Tyson, he looks so amazing I can't see anybody more charming than him.

Wait a minute, is that my locket?

Oh yes!! Thats the locket i gifted him, he still have that with him, I know he also misses me but just he is angry.

Adrian: Oh nathan, how are you?

Adrian hugged me and and did the same.

Me: am good, how are you, finally you have got a bit of facial hair, no more like senior class anymore.

Adrian: thank you but the one who has changed the most is Tyson.

Tyson: its not like that.

We all sat on the couch, I tried to sit beside Tyson but then Portia came and sat between us.

Tyson: Thank you!

Why is he so angry at me? 😔 everytime he ignores me, it breaks my heart.

3rd Person's POV:

The friends again reunited and by their talks about old memories and laughing at them.

Adrian stood up and closed the blinds, and turned on the disco kind of lights and played the music.

Adrian: wanna dance guys?
Tyson joined first and set up the dance floor. Nathan just sat there and looked him enjoying the dance. Portia and others also joined them. Adrian pulled Nathan too. They all were enjoying dancing on the music just having fun.

Adrian then served the drinks to the table while everyone was dancing. Everyone was dancing when Nathan came close to Tyson. Tyson trying to move away Nathan then tried to hold his hand but Tyson stopped him.

Ember: ok ok now am tired.

Sierra: mee too, lets sit.

Everyone sat down on the mat and had some snacks.

Mia: let's play Truth and dare.

Sierra: hey that's a good idea.

Tyson: better than being bored sitting idle.

Mia rotated the bottle and it stopped at Mia and Portia.

Mia: ok Portia, truth or dare?

Portia: truth

Mia: Are you dating somebody? And if yes then whom?

Portia: ok ummm..... Am dating Adrian.

Adrian's face turned red.

Nathan: seriously?
Portia: yeah I have moved on.

Portia said harshly, and Nathan's face turned pale.

Mia: ok lets rotate the bottle again

Sierra rotated the bottle.

It stopped at Portia and Nathan.

Portia: say, truth or dare?

Nathan: Truth.

Portia: who is your favorite person in this group or you can say in your life?

Nathan looked at Tyson with emotional eyes, and then said "that person is really special to me, always runs in my mind, It's Tyson".

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