Chapter 15 - A Drive to Remember

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Music: Love of My Life by Avery Lynch

As we drove down the familiar coastal road, the salty breeze blew through my hair. The sun is just about to rise, painting the world a bright purple and orange, the fog filling up the street. I glanced over at Anton, his hand gripping the steering wheel, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. His strong jawline is tense, a faint furrow between his brows. I knew he was trying to be strong for me, but I could see the worry etched in his figures

Looking down on my lap, his other hand resting on my lap, his veins protruding. Turning his hand around, I trace little nothings on his palm.

"I like your hands." I say as I trace the little "M" forming on his palm.

He snickers. "Why is that?"

"It's given me so much in my life." I say, the tears are already swelling at the corners of my eyes but I don't let them betray me. "When I needed someone to hold, your hands were there. When I was given a home, your hands did that. When I was given so much in my life, your hands did that. I can always rely on them the most. And, they're yours so I like them more."

I place my hand over his before intertwining our fingers together. Giving it a little squeeze, my eyes drift to his and he's looking at me – his eyes soft and gentle. It was moments like these, the simple gestures of love and support, that gave me strength. It gave me hope and a will to continue on my journey. I don't know where this sickness will take me – I don't want to think this is it for us. But, I also know what it will do to me. Having Anton by my side, I know I can get through it. He is my hope.

As we neared the beach, I feel a sense of relief washing over me. This is our place. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was soothing, a reminder of the beauty and resilience of nature. We parked the car and walked hand in hand towards the water.

Sitting on the sand, we appreciate the view while the waves are lapping at our feet. Anton wraps his arm around me, pulling me close. We sat in silence for a moment, watching the sun waking from its sleep, the sky a breathtaking display of colors. At this moment, we knew we can't escape what's coming. My battle was just about to begin. But, right now, with him, surrounded by the beauty of our beach and the love of my husband, I feel at peace.

Taking a deep breath, trying to push aside the fear and uncertainty that threatened to overwhelm me. "I've been thinking," I began, my voice steady. "About our future, and what comes next."

Anton looks at me, his eyes screaming what he's feeling inside – fear and worry. "Me too," he says softly. "It's going to be tough, Moon, but we'll get through this like we always have. Together."

I nod, grateful for his unwavering support. "I want us to keep dreaming," I said, a hint of determination in my voice. "I want us to plan for the future, to believe that there's still so much ahead of us."

He returns his gaze back to the distance and creases appear at the sides of his eyes.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about all the things we had hoped for together. The trips we had planned, the dreams we had shared. It felt like everything was being put on hold, like our future was slipping away from us.

"Moon." He calls, his voice low. "How long did the doctor say you'll have?"

The gentle roar of the sea filled the air as his words echoed in my mind. I knew it was time to talk about this, the unspoken truth that hung between us like a shadow. As we sit down on the sand, the waves crashing against the shore,I take a deep breath.

Anton knew what I was going to say, but he needed to hear it from me. "He said it's not much." I continue, my voice breaking. "Maybe a year, if I'm lucky."

Silence stretched between us, the weight of my words sinking in. I could see the pain in his eyes, the anguish of knowing that our time together was limited. But instead of breaking down, he did something I never thought he'd do. He smiled. But, even as he smiles now, I can see the pain in his eyes. I can see how he's struggling to keep it together just for me.

"We'll make it count." He said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll do all the things we've always wanted to do, we'll make memories that will last us a lifetime."

My tears betray me as they stream down my face as I realize what he was saying. He wasn't ready to give up, he was embracing the time we had left, determined to make it meaningful. And in that moment, I knew that no matter what the future held, as long as we were together, we could face it. 

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