Welcome one and all

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Hey there! Hope your having a swell day and if your not, I hope it gets better!

Thanks for clicking on this book, even though it won't contain much; the idea of it is that it's just a way for me to keep track of my digital art progress. 

Probs won't post a lot, but nonetheless I hope you do enjoy what I do post!

I should also preface, that all art will most likely be made on my phone with a stylus, so keep that in mind! These works are not the next Picasso!

Even so, please do not steal any of these artworks, they do take a lot of time...and hold...sedimental value.

Intense music plays:

You wouldn't steal a car...you wouldn't steal a fridge...so please don't steal my art

(if you get that reference, you are elite)

With that all out the way, enjoy!!

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