Whats this? Lore? Backstory?

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-Art at end of backstory! -

The sky was blue today, casting a spell of activity and business on the towns people. They had a pride for their home, often stringing up banners and hosting markets that attracted the upper-class - a curious bunch bemused by the actions of those "lower" than them.

If one were to look at this group of aristocrats, there would be a noticeable heir missing.

Miss Eridesca.

She wasn't very sociable with the towns people, often staying up in her parents villa across the field from the town. It was a gorgeous building. White Pillars stood strong, surrounded by neatly trimmed bushes and trees.

Her favourite spot was the Terrence, where she could hear the music from the towns festival, but didn't nessesariy have to be apart of the crowd.

Of course, with the absence of Miss Eridesca, speculation often occurred- some claiming the girl to be gravely ill, more wild guesses were that she was a vampire, cursed to never show face in the sunlight.

These tales often made their way back to the young aristocrat, amusing her to no end.

She would rather have rumours spread of her inability to see others, than have a bunch of snobby nosed suitors breathing down her neck.


As she sat listening to the laughter of children far off in the distance, she couldn't help but notice the sound of steps behind her wicker chair.

Rolling her eyes, she slowly stood  expecting to see her mother, Mrs Crawford

Mrs Crawford was a tidy woman often nestling a ring hoop for embroidery. She would always be seen wearing a neatly pressed blouse and a hat similar to Miss Eridesca

"For without a hat, are you truly dressed?"

But instead of the put-together woman there stood a young man with hair that was firey red and tanned skin covered by lavish fabric.

"Hello my darling dearest...the light from the sun...the one I need to breathe"

He spoke in a charming, yet sarcastic voice - his smile and twinkling eyes indicating a hint of mischief.

whilst Miss Eridesca did not like social interaction, there was one individual she could stand to interact with...

Marveon Dalis-parter - and his ridiculous red roses...

Marveon Dalis-parter - and his ridiculous red roses

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Well Here's the Art! And the Backstory behind it!

I hope you like this little story, I often like to come up with an origin for my characters and these guys are some of my favourites!! They have such a fun relationship - one that I could explore further if your interested!!

Anyways have an amazing morning, noon and night!!

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