Todays theme is Cats!

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Ok time to talk about the art!

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Ok time to talk about the art!

First up we have a delightful image of a cat snuggling with their favorite human! If you haven't noticed already I love to use colour in my artworks - as well as dots! This artwork was super fun to make as i usually try to have a more cartoon style to my art - so making it semi-realistic was a challenge!

Next - "King of the world" - If you have a cat you would know that they think highly of themselves - especially when they are in a high place - This art was made after witnessing my cat [cheese-stick] decided that he wanted to give me a haughty look from his perch. He started meowing when i stood up, realizing that he was no longer the tallest (hes sensitive about his height)  

And lastly for this chapter, we have my favorite called "breakfast time". As you can infer from the image, cheese stick likes to get up early...and because he gets up so early...I have to get up early. I ended up making this artwork at prob's around 7 in the morning (After cheese stick was fed)

Anyways that's all folks!

Well that is all for this chapter - see you in the next one!

Have a good morning, noon and night!

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