Depresso Espresso art just for you!

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You have stumbled upon some angsty art

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You have stumbled upon some angsty art...We love angst in this art book! You thought you would just get some cute, happy images! Wrong! But in all seriousness these artworks do have some interesting backstories that i wont delve to far into - im going to provide you with a blurb of each!!

First up! "In a crowd" - Being surrounded by people can be the most isolating thing... seeing different families, friends...lovers...whilst you are by yourself, is very humbling and often very lonely. All i can say is if you feel this way, just know there are people out there, you just have to keep looking!

The second one, ("Apartment") is essentially a continuation from the last one! In this piece I find Music to be an escape from reality! Listening to songs, imagining scenarios; its a lot of fun. The world can be gloomy, your face can be gloomy, but inside your mind you are happy and safe...

The last is a working progress - Its depicting someone facing reality - their reflection...Ill post the completed one in the next chapter!!

Thanks for indulging in some "fun" art!

Have a good morning, noon and night!

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