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Mirrors showcase one part of our reality - they reflect what is in-front of them; sometimes slightly disfigured, but most of the time its pretty accurate

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Mirrors showcase one part of our reality - they reflect what is in-front of them; sometimes slightly disfigured, but most of the time its pretty accurate. 

When you peer into these objects, you will often be greeted with a familiar stranger - someone you have grown up with your whole life...but someone you never see outside of this object. They never speak, but they always seem to be able to show you your insecurities...

"Has that pimple always been there?"

"Why is your nose shaped like that?"

"You need to wear more sunscreen..."

These insecurities pile up...building on-top of one another...until...wait...stop! 

..."I don't want to see you anymore"

The stranger...they are relentless, appearing in more than just the object on the wall. They are in your glass of water, they are by the car window, they are even in a puddle on the ground. The Stranger becomes a stalker...Obsessed with you and your appearance. 

"How do I stop them?" never can...because they are a part of you and your mind...

"But i know i can...i can stop them from talking to me that way" 

...because they are a part of me and my mind...

"That pimple is going away"

"You have your mothers nose"

"You need to wear more sunscreen" (You do! The sun dont play no games)

Your reflection is just that...a reflection.


Well I hope you enjoyed that!

This Artwork is an ode to my struggles with appearance over the years! It can be a very viscous cycle of disliking how you look and trying to correct your thoughts! just note that the inside is far more important than the outside!

Thanks for viewing!

Have a good morning, noon and night!

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