some more Pur-fect art

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Whats this?? more artwork about cats??? I liter-ally had massive art block, so making artwork about cats has helped that!

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Whats this?? more artwork about cats??? I liter-ally had massive art block, so making artwork about cats has helped that!

Anyways it is discussion time!

In the number one spot, we have a lovely piece about a cat imagining tuna...that is literally all this artwork is. I decided to make it...and I made it. Its not my fav piece ever, but i like the scruffiness of the cat!

Moving on - we have this artwork called "fizzy Fish" its basically what I imagine the soft drink of the humanoid cat-world would be (essentially its carbonated fish oil...) I love how this piece came out, especially the woolly jumper (it looks super comfy). 

Lastly, we have "Cat cafe" - As the title suggests its a cafe involving cats! But whats this??? a poor fish is next in line to chow town...It was great adding all the little details in this piece - whats your favorite part?

Anyways that's all for this chapter! 

Have a good morning, noon or night!!

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