sun between the branches

15 2 2

The branches sway softly in the chilly winter breeze. All was quiet; with no birds chirping loudly, no scampering of small, woodland, feet... one could say that it was peaceful.

Above it all, by those swaying oak branches, was a girl with ebony hair.

She basked in both the silence and the sunlight, quiet and unmoving. For if she did move, the atmosphere would change.

And she didn't want it to change...

Hands on her face, to feel the chill of her hands, she smiled.

Winter was here, but so was the sun. The coolness of the air, competing with the rays from earth's star, filled her with contempt.

Life was balanced. Like she was upon the branches.

 Like she was upon the branches

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Well here's another one just for you guys!

I really like this artwork, probs one of my favourites to date! I love the colouring and the idea behind this piece!!

Hope you enjoyed, have an amazing morning, noon and night!!

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