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"God, he's so hot." Anthony moans, lying on his arm as he stares down their professor. He was currently in his college class at the back of the auditorium, not paying attention to the lesson at all. "Wish he'd teach me a lesson in the bedroom."

Cherri rolls her eyes. "How about you actually study for once. Your grades are shit."

"Cuz I'm distracted by him." Anthony sighs longingly. Professor Husk had the most gorgeous slicked back salt and pepper black hair, tanned skin, and amber eyes. He wore these suspenders and a collared shirt that showed off his muscled arms.

"I cannot believe you and my parents nagged me into pursuing higher education. I could've been a DJ doing lines of coke every night in the bathroom with guys who are actually hot." Cherri complains, kicking the back of the seat in front of her which belonged to a lanky guy with a dorky top hat. He looks at her nervously.

Anthony ignores her, choosing to stare dreamily at the way Husk's chest looked under the tight button up and his low and smooth voice reciting the lecture.

Cherri nudges him roughly. "I don't get your fascination with that old cranky bastard. He hates you."

Anthony shoots up from his desk. "Does not! He just hasn't had the opportunity to see my charm."

"Sit down." Professor Husk's voice could be heard from the front of the auditorium. Anthony reluctantly sits back down in his seat.

Cherri gets a devious look on her face. "Wanna bet?"

Anthony's eyes narrow.

"If you can't get him to "raise your grade" you drop out with me." Cherri winks, holding out her hand.

"You mean like, sleep with him?" Anthony looks over hesitantly.

"Please. At this rate you won't graduate at all but have a crap load of student debt. Besides, I don't want to drop out alone."

"...Fine." Anthony says, grasping her extended hand. "But if you lose, you have to sleep with Snakey over there."

Cherri's eyes widen as she makes eye contact with the awkward lanky guy with the long hair and the top hat. He waves at her nervously. She shudders.

"Wow, aren't we a bunch of whores. Fine."


"Heya sweet cheeks~" Anthony saunters in, his hips swaying from side to side. "Mind if I come in?"

Husk doesn't look up from his desk. "Literally get out of my office."

"Aww don't be like that." Anthony places his little butt right on the stack of paperwork Husk was reading, knocking a few pens to the floor. His teacher glares at him through his glasses.

"Is there anything I can do-" Anthony bites his lip seductively- "to raise my grade? I'll do anything." He spreads his legs a little for extra measure.

"You'll do anything but actually study." Husk says, shoving him off the table. Anthony falls on his ass onto the carpet, along with miscellaneous office supplies.

"If you won't take this class seriously, then just get out and take that rowdy ponytail girl with you."

"Is there nothing you can do? Please sir, I'm failing." Anthony protests, turning up his doe like eyes from the floor near Husk's waist. This was usually his 'I give killer blowjobs' pose.

"And you're failing to impress me." Husk says deadpan, shoving a textbook into his face. "Your attendance record is appalling."

Anthony drops the act. He stands back up, rifling around his back pocket. "Fine, did you want some cash? I can only do $5. I really need to pass this class."

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