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Husk knew he had to go grocery shopping. He couldn't live off takeout knowing Angel was here.

But there was another reason why he had stopped going, thanks to a certain someone whose local store was also the one closest to him.

He hopes she's not there, but he really needed to pick up some essentials. But of course it's just his luck when he turns a corner in an aisle and his ex wife Elaine is there, holding a basket of vegetables.

Husk quickly ducks behind a shelf. It had been three years since the divorce. People always said the passage of time helped, but seeing her again just brought back all the horrible feelings and memories. His breath came out shallow, his chest heaving.

"Look what the cat dragged in. Didn't I tell you to stop shopping here?" Elaine's shrill voice makes him jump and smash his head against the cereal boxes.

She has her hands on her hips, dressed in a blue ruffled blouse and leggings. His ex looked mostly the same, just a few more greys in her brunette hair and she wore a different shade of lipstick.

"...Hey. How are you?" Husk says gruffly. Even just seeing her again gave him hives.

"How are you," She says mockingly. "Better without you."


Elaine looks at her nails. "I'm with a new guy now. Ya know, one that can actually provide. His stock portfolio is worth millions and oh, he's 6ft 5." She scrutinises his stature, a smirk on her face. Of course she was playing the who won the divorce game.

"Uh..." Husk felt rooted to the spot, unable to string a sentence together. He couldn't even meet her eyes, instead choosing to stare at the fluorescent lighting reflecting off the shop floor.

"I don't know why I ever settled for you. Bet you're still living that same old pathetic lonely life, alone and broke at the bottom of a bottle."

Husk feels a pit in his stomach, his vision hazy. His mouth felt dry, like his throat was closing up. Shoppers were starting to look at them.

"Hey Husk, I got a toothbrush, can't believe you let me fall asleep without letting me- Oh who's this?" Angel says, blinking at the scene before her. They turn to look at her, all long legs in strappy sandals and a short white sundress with her maid choker.

"You are?" Elaine says frostily looking her up and down, intimidated.

Angel easily dwarfs her in stature, with her big boobs, long lashes and cascading blonde hair. Her eyes narrow as she assesses the situation.

She grabs Husk's arm, smiling dangerously.

"Who do you think?" She says, her grin not reaching her eyes. Elaine startles in shock, looking back and forth between the pair. Like she couldn't comprehend that they were together, or how Husk out of all people had bagged such a beauty.

Angel pulls Husk away, tittering. "You shouldn't talk to sales ladies." She playfully chides him, then turns to stick her tongue out at her- leaving his ex wife fuming.

They're back at the house now, and Husk doesn't have the strength to even unpack the groceries. He kind of just lets it roll on the floor.

Angel picks the jar of marinara up and delicately places it on the counter.

"You alright? You look shaken up."

"I..." He places a hand on his forehead, sinking to the ground. "Thanks for doing that."

"Of course." Angel sits on the floor with him. They sit together, and after a minute she pipes up.

"You know, one's living space is like entering one's mind and mental state." She bumps his foot with hers. "You live in an empty cube, frozen in time. It's like you're waiting for something." She casts him a sidelong glance. "Waiting for her to come back?"

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