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Husk makes a few calls in a low voice as he tucks something into his vest pocket. He hears Anthony pacing outside, agitated.

"You got the keys to the car yet?" Anthony asks, knocking at his home office door.

"Coming." Husk calls back, shrugging on his jacket and snatching the keys off the table. He knew he shouldn't hide things from Anthony, but in order for this to work he would have to.

After hours of driving they approach a long abandoned tunnel in a wooded area. It was dark and covered in vines, and Anthony makes an abrupt stop in the middle of the underground passage.

"We're here."

"Here?" Husk looks around, baffled. His voice echoes in the darkness of the tunnel. Anthony feels his way across the smooth concrete walls until he finds a protruding rock and pushes against it. It turns like a doorknob, and leads to stone underground stairs.

"What kind of Hogwarts shit is this?" Husk mutters, as Anthony shushes him.

They led down a spiral staircase, into what seemed like a fancy bunker. Flickering lights down the corridor give him an ominous feeling.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps erupts around them and they're surrounded. Armed men in suits point their guns at them. Husk and Anthony put their hands up, eyeing them down.

"Put the fucking guns down." Anthony says, on edge. "He's with me."

"It's the boss's son." The guards murmur amongst themselves.

"The f*ggot?"

"I thought he got locked up."

One of them listens to something on his headpiece and nods.

"Come with us." They gesture to the both of them to follow.

Husk shares a glance with Anthony before reluctantly letting themselves be led further inside. Eventually they reach a lounge, of chairs and tables and leather couches. There's mafia members smoking, reading and chatting amongst themselves and they turn to look at them. The room goes quiet.

A man sitting at the very back wearing a fedora and long feathered eyebrows stands up to greet them. He's adorned with silver rings on his leathered fingers.

"Ah, son. Welcome back."

Anthony steps away. "What do you want?"

His father sighs. "I'm here to make amends." Arackniss comes out of the shadows with a briefcase.

"Really." Anthony says, deadpan. "You kidnapped Molly just to tell me that?"

"Is it kidnapping when she's my daughter?" Henroin says thoughtfully.

Anthony grits his teeth. "Give her back."

"I've been watching you. You've run out of funds. You failed at housing Molly and pawned her off to one of your friends, so I simply took her back to her real family." He tries to reason.

"Pawned- Are you fucking kidding me?" Anthony suppresses the urge to tear him apart.

Arackniss tosses him the briefcase. Anthony catches it, and gingerly holds it out like it's a bomb. Reluctantly he opens it. It's full of cash, bricks and bricks of green stacks laid out in the velvet interior. There must be hundreds of thousands of dollars in here.

Something- Something is wrong.

"Why are you giving me this?" Anthony asks suspiciously. There's no way this came with no strings attached.

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