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Angel and Husk are on the couch, wrestling over the remote. Often after a long day they'd settle to watch a movie, but Husk has had enough of Barbie, Mean Girls, Legally Blonde and all of High School Musical.

"The Devil wears Prada is a pinnacle of art, you need to appreciate the costume design-" Angel protests.

"If you're making me watch that, you're watching Citizen Kane." Husk shoots back, as they wrestle the tv rapidly changes channels.

"Says the absolute fossil! I need colour in my movies!"

"I'm not that old, I'm like 32."

Angel gasps. "White hairs already??"

"Yeah it's from the stress from you making me watch all those musicals. Anyway, are you finally gonna tell me your age? Don't tell me you're 18."

Angel flops back onto the couch, her legs splayed in his lap. "Fine, because of that stint in jail taking years off my life. I'm 25, so to Leo DiCaprio I'm basically expired."

"What am I then? Buried?"

"Yeah, like your movie. I'm gonna get us snacks." Angel says, making her way to the kitchen.

"You're not getting out of watching it." Husk calls after her.

"Sure thing, let's see an old man like you can figure out to torrent."

"Torrent? I have a DVD copy."

"You still have a DVD player?? Honey."

"Physical media is important. Hold on, I'm gonna go find it."

Where did he keep all his old DVD's? When his ex couldn't sell them she had hid them somewhere, but he hadn't gotten them out since she took the tv. Husk gets up to search for them, but since redecorating he hadn't seen them in any of the common spaces.

It was probably in the spare room, which Angel now occupied. Husk opens the door, scanning the drawers and shelves for his collection.

"Angel, I'm coming into your room, I think the DVD's are in here." He calls out behind his shoulder.

As he rummages through the shelves, he finds his university school books for his current class. He was looking for those, why did Angel take them? As he goes to put them back, a bunch of notes fall out from the back of the shelf. Husk goes to pick them up, but as he does he sees a draft of a familiar essay he remembers grading. He remembers it because he had pored over it for hours when Anthony submitted it.

Why did Angel have this? Did she write and submit it just so he'd get off Anthony's back? Was she covering for him?

He hears the thudding of footsteps as a very sweaty and panicked Angel slides into view, slamming open the door. "Wait, don't come into my room-"

"Why do you have Anthony's essays?" Husk says slowly, trying not to make his tone sound accusatory.

Angel slides a hand over her face, looking ill. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I never meant you to find out this way...I..." She falls to her knees, anguished.

Husk stares at her in confusion, that was an uncharacteristic reaction. "What?"

Angel looks up, unable to hold the truth back any longer. She reaches up over her head and pulls off her long blonde hair, exposing a hairnet.

Angel was bald? Was Husk's first thought, until she rips off the net and the familiar short brassy blonde was revealed underneath. She takes off her lashes and wipes her face on her dress.

"The fuck? Anthony?" He says incredulously, trying to put his head back together.

"You..lied to me?" Husk says faintly. He stared at his student, now exposed. His mind felt scrambled, he had suspected at the beginning but had written it off on them just looking similar. He never would've imagined this.

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