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Husk knows he has to reject Elaine. He had been putting it off, being the avoidant he is. He wanted the rejection to be as gentle and tactful as possible, a thoughtful speech that wouldn't leave any vindictive feelings.

His ex wife barges into the house like she lived there, albeit she once did.

"So, you've finally made up your mind?" Elaine says, making her way into the living room. She was wearing a blue polka dotted dress, her hair done up the way Husk used to like it. Now he's wondering what he ever saw in her.

He takes a deep breath, reciting his rejection from memory.

"I'm sorry Elaine, I don't think we should get back together. We made each other miserable and are better off separated. I hope you can find someone better suited."

It's awkward, it's too formal. She rolls her eyes, like he's making a joke.

"Don't be ridiculous. Did that bitch coworker of yours set you up for this? Or did the overly tall blonde write that obviously fake script of yours?"

He shakes his head. "No, this is my own decision. Please understand."

"Well I don't. You should be grovelling on your knees for this second chance with me. Where is she anyway?" Elaine stands up to investigate the rooms.

"She's not here." Husk says, going after her. She makes her way to the balcony, like Angel would be hiding there.

"Where'd she go?"

"...She left." He mumbles reluctantly.

Elaine can't help the smirk on her face. "Course she did. Did you rent her to make me jealous? She was way out of your league, that's for sure."

"...I know. Elaine, you should go."

She frowns, now irritated. "Really? Even without her you'd still pick being alone over being with me? Who else would ever want to be with you?"

He winces. "Elaine, please..."

"You've always been so spineless. A pathetic excuse for a man and a dirty coward-"

As she turns around, her purse hits the planter. The daffodils go sailing off the balcony and smashes down a floor on the hard ground outside. The soil scatters fanning out like blood around the golden flowers.

He feels his heart shattering with it. There's a lump in his throat as he stares at Angel's hard work being undone in an instant. There might be tears smarting in the corners of his eyes.

"Ah, oops." Elaine says blankly.

That's what does it. Husk finally loses his cool and starts screaming. He's never felt this angry before, all he sees is red, tastes red.

"GET OUT!! GET OUT NOW!! DON'T EVER COME BACK!" He shouts, pointing at the door.

She looks startled. "It's just a plant-"

"I will call the cops on you if you ever fucking talk to me again. I'm tired of your constant abuse. You don't get to come in here and wreck everything we've built! LEAVE!!!"

This might be the first time he's ever stood up to her, let alone raised his voice at her.

The look on his face was enough to make her realize he truly meant it.

She grabs her purse and leaves muttering. He hears the door slam and her car peeling down the street. When she's well and truly gone, he runs outside barefoot to the concrete below the balcony terrace.

Husk steps over the shards of pottery and falls to his knees scrambling to recover them. He cups the soil and the crumpled daffodils and brings them back inside, breathing heavily. They hang limply in his hands.

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