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(Warning: Smut, R18) 

Summer had arrived, and it was scorchingly hot outside. No amount of fans and cool tiles alleviated the shimmering heat. Amidst the complaints from Molly about being sticky and wanting to swim, Anthony and Husk had caved in and bought her an above ground swimming pool.

Anthony's hair had grown out. The sunkissed blonde strands curls behind his nape where sweat drips down his neck. It reminds Husk of Bjorn Andrésen and a bit of Marilyn Monroe.

The parts of Angel and Anthony seemed to intermix these days, the boyish hardened gangster vibes melting into the feminine sides of himself. Husk loved all of it immeasurably and made strong work of it, the pliant curves of Anthony's chest.

Since his student graduated and he was looking forward to finally having sex with his lover without jeapordizing his employment. Instead found himself very blue balled, since Anthony and Molly were glued together since the kidnapping and Molly was prone to nightmares.

Anthony also didn't want to do anything sexual while Molly was anywhere near the vicinity, wanting to uphold his saintly image around her. Saying she had enough trauma for a lifetime living in their family.

Even though he was so brazen in the hospital, he would immediately revert to a virgin prude when Molly was in the room.

"The pool! The pool!" Molly chants, dressed in a red and white polka dotted swimsuit with frills that splayed out like a tutu. She carries in her arms an array of inflatable toys and pool noodles.

Anthony runs after her, barking at her about sunscreen and hats. "Molly! What did I say about sun protection?!"

"I don't need sunscreen!" Molly argues back, scrunching up her nose. "I can just tan!"

He frowns as he gets out the bottle. "Yes you do, Molly. Haven't you heard of skin cancer? If you tan you'll get all leathery and old and don't you want nice smooth skin like me?"

"I want to look older." She pouts petulantly.

"You will one day, I just don't want you getting sun poisoning."

"No!" She shrieks, and takes off running towards the pool. Anthony chases after her, running in circles around the above ground pool. She tries to scramble up the ladder, but he picks her up effortlessly by the back of her swimsuit like a puppy being held in the mouth by its mother.

He holds down a squirmy Molly until she's fully lathered head to toe and wearing a large bucket hat.

Husk smiles as they squabble, laying down the towels and sunglasses by the new lounges he had gotten.

Anthony goes back in to change as Husk applies sunscreen on himself and helps Molly put on her neon yellow arm floaties. She does make a fuss about how long it was taking, but Husk reassures her sun protection and water safety was more important.

When the sliding door opens, Husk realizes Anthony wasn't wearing a normal pair of trunks.

Instead he was in a vintage dark blue one piece swimsuit. Husk gapes at him, the neuron's in his brain misfiring. It hugged all his curves in the most scandalous way.

Anthony notices the look on his face and elbows him.

"I am not showing Molly the marks you left on my chest." He hisses in a low voice. "She'll think I got assaulted."

It was a thousand times more sluttier than if he had just gone shirtless with trunks on.

Hell, Husk could see the faint outline of his dick in the swimsuit.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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