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Angel has such long legs.

That's Husk's first thought when he walks into the sight of Angel in fishnet stockings, bunny ears, a black leotard and craziest of all, a fluffy bunny tail. Husk almost keels on the spot with the desire to squeeze it.

Instead of the usual cute maid theme, the staff were dressed in playboy bunny costumes. The place was packed, mostly with men shoulder to shoulder gathered inside.

"Ah, if it isn't my favourite customer." Angel greets. Her chest bounces the exposed V leotard. "Sorry there's no free tables. Did you want your usual to go?"

"Uh-y-yeah. Sure." Husk stammers.

Angel nods, going behind the counter to brew a cup of coffee. As she does, she licks the coffee foam off her thumb. Husk swallows.

"What's going on?" He tries for nonchalant, but he's sweating. Why was the temperature so high in here?

"It's auction day." She says, handing over the cup. Husk's hands don't respond like they should and he accidentally knocks the stirring spoon to the floor.

"I'll get that." Angel bends down to pick it up, and as she does Husk swears all the mens eyes in the vicinity are firmly glued to her ass as she bends over. Including him.

"What's auction day?" Husk manages to say once he's found his voice again. He hopes his face isn't red, he hates feeling like a lovestruck teenager around her. He was way too old to be feeling this way about someone.

Angel huffs. "Exactly what it sounds like. Us girls get auctioned off for a date with the highest bid."

A date.

Husk is frozen to the spot, and Angel frowns at this.

She pulls on his suit tie, reeling him in so she can whisper in his ear. His ears go red as he feels her breath skate down his neck.

"Don't waste your money on that kinda thing. Valentino pockets it all, so it's not going anywhere charitable."

Angel lets him go. Husk stares back, clutching his ear.

"Attention dear customers! We shall begin the runway show. Place your bids!" Valentino calls out, turning off the lights. Colourful disco strobe lights fill the crowded room, making the cafe look more like a sleazy club.

Angel's coworkers clad in bunny costumes start strutting down the aisles one by one, as men leer and catcall out to them. A petite brunette girl with emerald eyes and long lashes goes for $200, and a stunning redhead with enormous D sized cups goes for $500, the highest of them all so far. The customers are in a frenzy, Husk notes that Valentino had been offering free drinks to bidders. How cunning.

Finally Angel walks down the aisle, flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulders, her hips swaying from side to side. She confidently walks down the aisle like it's her own personal runway, like she's a Victoria Secret model. The cheers are deafening as she blows the crowd adoring kisses. People take photos of her, their flashes going off like they're paparazzi. Angel is like a star in the sky, her aura shining on the world.

The bidding starts, and Husk is shoved to the side in the sea of bodies. People are pushing and shouting over one another, the bids climbing higher and higher.

"$800!" A short bald man calls out.



"$4000!" A large man in suspenders and a mint green button down with sharklike features shouts out.

The men in the crowd groan, outbid. He triumphantly makes his way past the array of people to claim his prize.

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