Chapter 17 :" halloween "

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Julia woke up with a renewed sense of strength and determination. She knew that facing Jad again would be challenging, but she was ready.

Julia was torn between her fears and the emotions Jad stirred in her. The kisses they had shared felt genuine, filled with passion and something deeper, but she couldn't shake the fear that he might only be interested in her for a fleeting moment. She was putting this in her mind to make excuses why she rfused him .

Jad was already there, his eyes meeting hers with a mix of curiosity and respect. They exchanged polite nods, as if nothing had happened between them. Julia felt a surge of empowerment. She had come here to dance, to follow her passion, and to prove to herself that she could handle whatever life threw her way. The studio was her sanctuary, a place where she could let go and be herself, and she intended to do just that.

Jad: [leaning back in his chair, frustration evident in his voice] "Bassam, man, I don't know what to do anymore. It's like no matter how much I try, she keeps pushing me away. I've asked her out twice already, and both times, she said no. How many times can a guy take this?"

Bassam: [nodding thoughtfully] "I get it, Jad. It's tough, especially when you're giving it your all. But you know Julia, she's got her walls up. Maybe she's just scared."

Jad: [shaking his head] "I've thought about that. Maybe I came on too strong, or maybe I wasn't clear enough about how I really feel. But I'll tell you this—I'm not giving up on her. She can refuse me a million times, and I'll still keep asking."

Bassam: [smiling slightly] "That's the spirit. If you really care about her, you've got to show her that you're not just going to walk away because she's hesitant. You know Julia—she needs time to trust."

Jad: [firmly] "I don't care how long it takes. She's worth it. I'll keep showing up, keep proving to her that I'm not here just for the short term. I'm in this for the long haul. I just need her to see that."

Bassam: [clapping Jad on the shoulder] "And she will, eventually. You've got to be patient, man. Keep being there for her, keep showing her how much you care. She'll come around. But don't lose yourself in the process. Make sure she sees the real you because that's who she'll fall for."

Jad: [nodding slowly] "You're right. I just want her to know that I'm serious, that this isn't some game for me. I love her, Bassam. I've never felt this way before. I'm not giving up, not now, not ever."

Bassam: [smiling proudly] "Then keep fighting for her, Jad. If she's the one, it'll be worth every bit of effort. Just make sure she knows that your feelings are real and that you're in it for the right reasons."

- "I will. She might refuse me again, but I'll keep trying until she sees that I'm not going anywhere. I just need her to understand that I'm here for her for everything that she is."

Bassam: grinning"Then you've got this, man. Stay strong, and don't give up. She'll see it, eventually."

Jad: [leaning forward, voice full of resolve] "I'll make her the happiest girl in the world, Bassam. I'll make her fall in love with me, no matter how many walls she puts up. Every day, I'll show her how much she means to me. If she ever stays away, if she doesn't want to let love grow between us, then maybe...maybe she doesn't want me at all. But I'll make sure she knows how deep my feelings go before that."

Bassam: [nodding slowly] "You're planning to go all in, huh? It's risky, but if it's what you want, then go for it."

Jad: [smiling with determination] "I have to, Bassam. I can't keep dancing around my feelings. If she's meant to be with me, then I'll prove it to her every single day. And if she isn't...well, at least I'll know I gave it everything."

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