Yashvi's new doctor

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Yashvi wasn't feeling so well and also noticed that her periods were 8 days due, she got tensed and decided to visit her gynacologist. She got ready and went to the hospital.

At hospital;
Yashvi took an appointment and asked the receptionist that when will the doctor be seeing her."I'm sorry ma'am, but doc. Rashi isn't available at the moment. If you're okay then i can arrange your appointment with another doctor?" The receptionist asked Yashvi.

Yashvi thought about it and agreed because she might not have time in future due to her new project with the company. "Alright then, please shift my appointed to another doctor" Yashvi said

"Okay ma'am, just a moment". After saying this the receptionist called someone and shifted her appointment to another doctor.

"Okay ma'am, you have to go that way in room no. 127" The receptionist said while guiding Yashvi the way.

Yashvi went as instructed and knocked on the door. She went inside after hearing a come in. But the moment she entered, she saw a tall handsome man waiting for her with her reports, she was beyond shocked, she never expected that the receptionist would arrange her with a male doctor, that too in the case of a gynacologist. But having left with no option she had to do it.

"Hi, i'm dr.Sidharth and if i'm not wrong you're miss Yashvi Gupta?" Sidharth asked while confirming that she was his patient.

Yashvi just nodded her head and took a seat when Sidharth asked her to

"So, what's troubling you?" Sidharth asked. "A-actually, I....just didn't got my p-periods and it's already 8 d-days due". Yashvi was stuttering badly, though she's a bold girl but right now she didn't know herself that what was happening to her. Why was stuttering like crazy? Why was she being a nervous wreck even when she don't even know him? And he is just a DOCTOR!

"Miss Yashvi, is everything okay? Why are you stuttering so much?" Sidharth asked while getting worried."Uhh....no it-it's nothing". Yashvi said while getting caught off-guard by him suddenly asking her that.

"I just don't feel good and didn't get my periods too" Yashvi said while Sidharth was secretly admiring her for her cuteness.

"Alright then, i'll run some tests on you and see what's wrong". Sidharth said.

"Let's first start with taking a blood sample to know what exactly is what is the reason for you to feel so uncomfortable". "D-doctor, can't we just skip the bloodtest, isn't there any other way?" Yashvi said while getting scared of needles. She was always scared of needles since she was a child and wasn't able to take this fear out of her.

"Miss Yashvi, are you perhaps scared of needles?". "NO, it's just, I don't like them". Yashvi said while denying the fact that she's scared of needles while after hearing her Sidharth started chuckling, not able to handle her cuteness. "Alright, miss Yashvi, I know you don't like them, but you have to take them, don't you worry, it won't hurt". Sidharth said while assuring Yashvi that she's gonna be okay.

Yashvi, after so much reassurance agreed to getting the blood test. "Okay, i'll take them". "Thank you for your co-orperation, i'll ask the nurse to do the blood sample". Sidharth said while leaving the room to ask a nurse to do a blood sample. But, before he could even move an inch, Yashvi held his hand and looked at him with her moist eyes. "Miss Yashvi? Are you crying?" Sidharth asked while getting tensed."No, it's just...could you please perform the blood test?".

"Uhh..sure, i'll do it" Sidharth said while getting confused by her behaviour but decided to do it anyway.

He asked the nurse to give him the equipments and performed the blood test on Yashvi after comforting and assuring her for atleast 20 minutes.

During the bloodtest, Yashvi started to feel dizzy and fainted on his shoulder. Sidharth was shocked but he admitted her in the hospital and when he got her reports, he got to know that Yashvi was lacking vitamins and due to workload she has hormonal disturbance.

After she woke up, she felt her head heavy but still decided to go home, just as she was about to get up Sidharth entered and stopped her.

"Miss Yashvi?" Sidharth called out. "Yes?" Yashvi replied. "You shouldn't go alone at this hour, i'll drop you". Sidharth said to Yashvi. "Uhh...no i'll be okay, i'll go by myself". "I wasn't asking you, i'm telling you". Sidharth said in a dominating tone which made Yashvi weak in her knees."And may I know who are you to order me?". Though Yashvi was still nervous but still decided to fight back, she didn't know who he was, how can she trust him?

"Don't worry, i'm not kidnapping you, you can trust me". Being hesitant Yashvi agreed with having no choice left. They both went to the parking lot and Sidharth dropped Yashvi.

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If any mistakes then i'm truly sorry and pls vote for this chapter
Love you my sweethearts❤️

Okay then, Byieeee!!

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