Why you? (mahi x yuvi) 1

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Hui hui hui my birdiesss, this is your author N this side, this will contain two parts so stay tuned !!

Top: yuvi
Bottom: mahi
Smut: 🫣 find it yourself hehe


It was the match day between India and New Zealand, mahi was yet to come while Virat and yuvi was playing. He scored total 94/58 and then tried to shot a six but sadly got catch out, he was upset that he couldn't complete a century but still ict fans were cheering for him cause basically he did really good and shot 7 sixs and 12 fours.

Yuvi walks into the dressing room, he wished to get a warm hug from mahi but mahi was busy talking with Sach dada. Yuvi saw a figure standing there and he knew who it was, "bhaji..." Yuvi says in a weak voice as he was really upset.

Bhaji turned around to face yuvi, yuvi dropped his bat down and removed his helmet as he jumped on bhaji, bhaji smiled and hugged the other back "it's alright, yuvi, you did your best" bhaji said comforting yuvi.

"I couldn't complete my hundred bhaji" yuvi replies, his eyes teary, face red and his voice breaking due to crying, bhaji made him sit still comforting him in his arms, meanwhile after few time mahi decides to check on yuvi.

Mahi feels a pang of jealousy and seriously wanted to punch bhaji but for now he controlled himself and leaves directly for the hotel. Yuvi gets himself steady "thank you bhaji pa" he said wiping his tears"

"No worries yuvi" bhaji pa replies with a smile on his face, yuvi smiles back as he gets change and in the mean the match was also over causing India to win by 6 wickets.

In the hotel—

Yuvi bid farewell to all other members but he didn't see mahi anywhere not with them nor in the bus so he just directly went to his room and found mahi lying on bed reading a book.
"Mahiii!" Yuvi screams opening his arm indicating mahi that he wanted a hug.

" What the hell! Can't you shut up!" Mahi says in a stern, angry voice, "i-ah I'm sorry" yuvi replies lowering his head "wouldn't you praise me!?" Yuvi tries to lift the mood up "why would you need my praise" mahis says coldly not looking once at yuvi.

"What you mean, mahi?" Yuvi says trying to understand "what I mean?" Mahi shuts the book and gets up " first of all you're bloody flirting with other guys, secondly you're boldly being a slut and getting touchy with guys around, not even thinking fr once that you're someone's boyfriend!! Oh no I forgot what I said earlier, you're a slut, a bloody witc-" before he could complete he felt a strong hand hitting him on his face.

It's was yuvi who was sobbing while his other hand was in fist
"No one gave you the right to insult me Mr.Mahendra singh dhoni" that's all what he said and left.


Hey my birdiess, hope you enjoyed part one, I wouldn't mention the name of who requested but here you go, I'm so sorry if anything is wrong but  I tried my best as much as I can in 30 mins hehe!!!

Thank you my birdiesss,
Stay tune for part two !!!!

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Mwahh 🤍

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